The Vampire's Path (1)

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The Vampire's Path (1)

"What are you doing here, Jeon Jungkook? You should have gone out with your friends on the prowl, you can't live on animal blood forever!" Mr. Jeon looked very angry when he entered his son's room who was still lying on the bed with his legs hanging down.

"Dad, my fangs haven't grown to the fullest yet, I can't bite humans with my small fangs like this, even biting a wild boar I'm overwhelmed," Jungkook said, he didn't turn to his father who at that time had run out of patience, he wanted to approach his son and pulled his hanging leg but luckily the mother came faster.

"Jeon! Stop!" Mrs. Jeon immediately came and held her husband, she saw her husband's red eyes ready to pounce on Jungkook.

"Look at me!" Mrs. Jeon said.

"Do not interfere! This is my way of educating my son," Mr. Jeon said.

"But he is also my son! Now look at me!" Mrs. Jeon said and her husband turned to his wife.

"You always defend him, look at what he's doing now, he's just lying on his bed while the other vampires are busy looking for food, the full moon will appear soon, and he will run out of time if he doesn't also taste human blood," Mr. Jeon said.

"Jeon, he's lived 250 years with animal blood, and he's fine, I'm not defending him but what can we do if his fangs haven't grown to their full potential? If he bit a human, he might fail with those fangs," Mrs. Jeon said.

"Mom, Dad, can you two talk outside my room? I mean, it's already very late and your son wants to sleep," Jungkook, who had been sitting on the edge of his bed, just watched his parents making noise near his bedroom door.

"Look, that's the kid you defended so much, he can already kick us out of his room," Mr. Jeon said.

"Dad I didn't kick you out, but I'm so sleepy and your voice makes it hard for me to sleep," Jungkook said.

"You!!!" Mr. Jeon wanted to approach his son and again his wife held him back.

"Jeon! Enough! And you Jungkook, can you just this once not make a scene? Go out with your friends, train with them if you feel your fangs haven't fully grown yet, and don't anger your father," Mrs. Jeon said.

"Earlier you defended me, why now have you even told me to get out of the house? You don't understand how I feel!" Jungkook said.

"Your son is back in his drama," Mr. Jeon said while rolling his eyes.

"Jungkook, your fangs won't grow if you keep lying on your bed, don't let me throw away your mattress so you want to leave the house to practice with your friends," Mrs. Jeon said.


"Okay, I have an idea," Mr. Jeon said.

"What?" Mrs. Jeon said.

"I know it's not a good idea, at least for me," Jungkook sighed before dropping his body onto the bed.

"I will bring you into that world, and you will learn by yourself," Mr. Jeon said.

"WHAT?" Jungkook and his mother were both surprised by what Mr. Jeon said.

"Jeon, are you crazy? He could get hurt if he is in the human world before his fangs grow properly," Mrs. Jeon.

"Yes, what mommy said is true, I could get hurt and even die if I enter their world without my fangs," Jungkook said.

"That's too much, you won't die, maybe you will get hurt but you will learn to enjoy the smell of their blood and maybe it will stimulate the growth of your fangs," Mr. Jeon said.

"Jeon, but this is not a good idea," Mrs. Jeon said.

"What is the difference? In the end, he also has to go to that world to suck their blood, this is not an offer for you, so be prepared, tomorrow you will come with me to that world," Mr. Jeon said and left them.

"Mom, please I don't want to go to that place, Mom look at my fangs, they haven't grown properly, please I don't want to go with Daddy," Jungkook showed his teeth to his mother, and, indeed, his fangs haven't grown properly, even to bite the wild boar. it took quite a long time.

They live in a vampire world, where the world is invisible to humans and vice versa, vampires will go hunting at night to come to the human world to find their prey and suck their blood until it runs out. This is very useful for Vampires to survive they can drink animal blood like Jungkook has been doing so far, but they will get hungry easily and the animal population where they live is not much.

Even though Jungkook has lived for 250 years, he has never once tasted how human blood tastes, that's because the fangs that should have grown perfectly didn't grow properly on him. No one knows the cause, while his other friends are already busy hunting in the human world, Jungkook was just chilling in his room.

The Jeon family has a blood supply warehouse for Jungkook, that's because Jungkook can't always go to the forest to hunt, he often gets backlash from the animals he hunts and finally, his mother prepares the blood supply for Jungkook.

But it had been too long for Jungkook to hide in his room, he had to learn how to hunt without the help of his parents, because as his father had feared, the full moon would be right at the top of the mountain, and before that happened the vampires would have to be fed up so they could stay alive, live the next day. So far Jungkook only drinks animal blood but not for this year. He had to taste human blood.

To be continued...

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