Into The Blue (12)

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Into The Blue (12)

the next day

Jungkook had prepared breakfast like he usually did, but Jin still hadn't come out of his room, even though he didn't usually wake up that late, Jungkook walked over to him to his room, knocked before entering, and saw Jin still sleeping in his bed. But it's almost 9 am and he hasn't woken up yet. Jungkook decided to approach Jin and sat beside him.

"Hyung, it's already morning, breakfast is ready," Jungkook said but Jin didn't answer anything, and when Jungkook touched his hand he was surprised because Jin's body was so hot.

"Oh god, you have a fever hyung," Jungkook immediately went to the bathroom and wet a small towel then came back and put it on Jin's forehead.

"Hyung, wake up hyung.." Jungkook said in a worried tone and Jin slowly opened his eyes, he saw how worried Jungkook was at that moment.

"Hyung, you have a fever, we have to go to the hospital now," Jungkook said.

"No, I just need to rest," Jin said.

"Are you sure?" he said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was worried about you again," Jin said.

"No it's okay, I'll make porridge for you, okay? wait here," Jungkook said and he immediately came out to make porridge.

After feeding Jin, he took Jin back to lie down and covered him with a blanket, Jungkook also changed his wet towels more often.

"Thank you Jungkook," Jin said.

"Yeah hyung," Jungkook said and he went out to wash his dirty bowl and let Jin rest.

While he was washing the dishes, he heard his phone ring, he immediately ran to pick up the phone and saw who had called him, it was his mother. He had not communicated with his mother for a long time.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" his mother said.

"I'm fine mom, how about you and Daddy?" he said.

"We're good, do you know about your hyung?" his mother said.

"Is he back yet?" he said.

"Yeah he came back last night and he's pregnant, I thought it was Jin's baby but it wasn't," his mother said in a cracking voice.

"I know, Jin hyung already knows about that, they met at the hospital," Jungkook said.

"Then what about you? When are you two getting divorced? I haven't told Taehyung anything about your marriage," his mother said.

"Mom, now Jin Hyung is sick, I don't want to talk about it, but I'm going to divorce him and tell everything to Hyung, if it's not what he thinks," Jungkook said.

"Are you sure Jin still wants to be with him after what they've been through? Does Jin want to accept this baby?" his mother said.

"Mom, I have to go, I'll call you back later, I love you, Mom," Jungkook hung up the phone and stroked his chest, he tried to calm himself before returning to Jin's room.

Maybe the medicine has worked, Jin went back to sleep and Jungkook was still busy changing the wet towel on his head.

Jin woke up from his sleep, he felt his body was better, he opened his eyes and saw Jungkook sleeping nearby, he took a wet towel on his forehead. He stroked Jungkook's hair and felt grateful that he was there for him. He treated the wound little by little. He shouldn't have done that but he did well.

The touch made Jungkook wake up from his sleep, he immediately sat up and touched Jin's forehead.

"Hyung, how are you feeling? I have to change the towels again, I'm sorry I fell asleep" Jungkook said and he wanted to get up before Jin held him back.

"No, stay here, you must be tired all day taking care of me, I should accompany you today but--"

"Hyung, don't think about anything, just rest, don't work when you're sick," Jungkook said.

"But I have a meeting tomorrow and I can't cancel it," Jin said.

"I said no, rest until you get better, or I won't be taking care of you anymore," Jungkook said and he took the towel in Jin's hand to the bathroom.

Jin just smiled at that time, Taehyung also always told him not to work whenever he was sick, but Jungkook did it differently and it was adorable.

After cleaning his towel, Jungkook came out of the bathroom and approached Jin.

"Are you hungry? I'll make something for you hyung," Jungkook said.

"What if you stay here? I'm not hungry," Jin said and Jungkook was silent.

"Will you stay here?" Jin said.

"Yeah hyung," Jungkook climbed onto Jin's bed and lay beside him, they both looked at the same ceiling.

"Hyung," Jungkook said.

"Hmm?" Jin looked at him but not at Jungkook.

"If my hyung comes back, and he admits his mistake and wants to be with you again, what will you do hyung?" he said.

"I don't know," Jin looked up at the ceiling again.

"After he left me, I never thought he'd come back, and Since I found out he was pregnant, I'm more and more sure that he won't come back to me. But now if he wants to come back, I don't think I can," Jin said.

"Why? I'm sure you still love him hyung," Jungkook turned to Jin and so did Jin.

"Because I'm married," Jin said and Jungkook fell silent.

"But, if the problem is only because of that, we can divorce hyung, that's not a problem is it?" he said.

"Jungkook, don't you realize that you are fixing me, the wound is still there but the pain is slowly fading and it's because of you," Jin said.

"I'm nothing hyung, this marriage exists because of our parents, we don't love each other and I'm here because I feel guilty because of what my hyung did to you, I know you're a good man, and it's not fair if you are treated like this, that's my reason here, but I'm nothing, I'm just your brother, and here is not where I should be hyung, I want you to believe in love again and not feel alone, you've felt it again and now you have to find someone who will accompany you in sorrow and joy, it's not me, brother can't accompany you like that," Jungkook said.

"Can you stop calling me hyung?" Jin said.

"Hmm? Why?" he said.

"Because I'm not your hyung, I'm your husband," Jin said, there was no answer from Jungkook only his eyes kept staring at Jin, but when he wanted to say something Jin got closer to him and put his lips right on Jungkook's, making Jungkook surprised with his wide eyes.

To be continued...

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