The Vampire's Path (9)

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The Vampire's Path (9)

A month passed, and Jin's days became very pleasant since Jungkook was in his life, they did many things together, and Jin was happy because finally, he didn't feel lonely anymore. Jungkook forbade him to come home too late, to avoid the vampires who were hunting and Jin also forbade Jungkook to leave the house because he was afraid that Jungkook might find his way back to his world and leave Jin.

Actually Jin doesn't know why his heart always flutters when he's with Jungkook, but being with Jungkook every day makes Jin comfortable. Although Jin has to stay alert to the changes that might occur when Jungkook's fangs grow. Until now, Jungkook still drank animal blood, Jin found a place selling animal blood on the website and made purchases there with the salary he had. Maybe it will cost a little but Jin doesn't mind.

Jungkook looks very spoiled when he's with Jin, Jungkook doesn't look like a Vampire but like a baby when he's near Jin and now there's no reason for Jin to avoid him, Jungkook will just hug him while sleeping and won't let go of that hug even until Jin wakes up from his sleep, Jungkook is still next to Jin with his hand holding Jin and will wake up if Jin gets up from the bed.

Tonight Jin came home a little late, he entered his little flat and saw Jungkook sleeping on the couch with a cup of blood in his hand. He sleeps sitting up and that must be uncomfortable. Jin took the glass in Jungkook's hand slowly and laid Jungkook's body down to make his sleep more comfortable before taking a blanket to cover his body so it wouldn't get colder.

Jin went into the kitchen intending to drink a can of beer to relieve his tiredness, he pulled open the can but the sharp edge cut Jin's finger and made him scream, not because it hurt but because he was shocked, and blood ran down his finger.

"Jin what's wrong? Why are you screaming?" Jungkook immediately approached Jin in the kitchen when he heard Jin's scream.

"I'm okay, I was just shocked because my hand got cut on the sharp edge of the can," Jin said.

"You...your blood Jin," Jungkook said.

"Ah, yes I'll clean my wound right away and cover it with a band-aid," Jin said but as he was about to pass Jungkook, Jungkook held him back and pushed Jin's body against the counter.

"Jungkook, what's wrong? Why... are you scaring me Jungkook," Jin said but Jungkook only looked at Jin's eyes, there was indeed fear in his eyes.

Jungkook took Jin's hand and looked at his injured finger.

"J-Jungkook...please, you can control yourself, you...what are you doing?" Jungkook sucked Jin's finger while closing his eyes.

At first, there was nothing wrong with sucking it, until Jin felt a little dizzy and his body was getting weaker, Jungkook sucked his finger for too long, maybe the blood had stopped flowing too.

"J-Jungkook...I'm dizzy, stop," Jin said but Jungkook ignored him.

"Jungkook, stop,'ve done well, I'm getting better," Jin said and he stroked Jungkook's cheek, making him open his eyes and quickly let go of Jin's finger.

"Jin, I...I hurt you, I...I'm sorry," Jungkook said as he saw Jin's very pale face.

"I'm fine," Jin said.

"No, I...I shouldn't taste your blood, I should be able to control myself, I—"

"Enough Jungkook, it's not your fault, come here," Jin took Jungkook into his arms and closed his eyes on Jungkook's shoulder before he lost consciousness and when Jin's body almost fell, Jungkook immediately held him.

"Jin, wake up, Jin are you okay? Jin?" Jungkook immediately lifted Jin's body and carried him into the room, laying him on the bed.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have done that to you, it's my fault, stupid me, why am I like this," Jungkook kept blaming himself, he was beside Jin holding his hand, he also covered Jin's finger wound with a plaster so he wouldn't smell that blood again.

Jin's blood was different from the woman's blood he had tasted that night, Jin's blood made him addicted, and couldn't stop sipping it. There's something in Jin's blood that seems to make him unable to control himself, like drugs.

It was quite a while before Jin finally woke up from his fainting, he opened his eyes and saw Jungkook beside him, but he still kept looking at Jin with his puffy eyes.

"Are you crying?" Jin said.

"I hurt you," Jungkook said.

"I'm fine, can you get me a drink?" Jin said and Jungkook just nodded before coming out to get Jin something to drink.

Jin looked at his finger that was wrapped in plaster and smiled, he didn't know what he felt at that time, but strangely when Jungkook sucked his blood, he felt like he was on the ninth cloud, there was a pleasure that Jungkook gave and it touched the cells in his body that he couldn't describe in words.

"Here, have a drink first," Jungkook said and Jin drank it and then put it on the nightstand beside him.


"It's okay Jungkook, I'm okay," Jin said.

"There's something different about your blood, I can't stop when I try it and I've never felt that when I've been with you all this time," Jungkook said.

"Because you've never tried my blood before," Jin said.

"But I've tried that woman's blood, it's very sweet and I still remember the taste, but it doesn't make me want to try it again, but your blood...ah, I won't bite you and do it again I promise," Jungkook said.

"Can you change me to be like you? I mean, I've watched a lot of vampire movies and they can turn their partner into a Vampire without killing them," Jin said.

"Maybe I can but it will be very painful for you, if I bite you maybe the cells in you will stop working and be replaced with the cells I gave, but the chances are small because humans are weak, maybe they will die with just a small bite," Jungkook said.

"That means we cannot be together?" Jin said.

"What do you mean? We've been together so far and you're still alive, I won't taste your blood again I promise," Jungkook said.

"But I will die someday and not with you, you will live maybe another thousand years," Jin said and Jungkook held Jin's warm hand.

"What is it that you're scared of?" Jungkook said.

"Aren't you scary too? I won't lose you but you will lose me one day, and—"

"Stop, I don't like this discussion, I won't let you go, I will keep you here with me so that no one loses each other," Jungkook approached Jin and hugged him.

Their relationship cannot be explained in words, only they know what feelings they were enjoying at that time. The fear disappeared slowly from Jin, but another fear came when he realized that he could die at any time.

To be continued...

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