Chapter 17

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It was the next day after lani had waken up from her deep slumber and since then she was trying to come to terms with everything she had heard and saw. She had wonder off from home alone today as she was now sitting on flat rock with her legs dipping in the water the, she soon noticed some fish following her legs as she moved them around and around. Lani laughed at what she was seeing the fish were following her every move. Soon the fish had swam away when the sound of footsteps came near lani.

Lani" I know you are there ... kxee"

Kxee " how could you tell it was me princess"

Lani " by the sound of your footsteps so tell me why have you come to see me" kxee soon sat next to lani as the pair were looking out on the ocean and enjoying the silence at the moment.

Kxee " I came to see how you are doing after the whole incident"

Lani " well if I'm honest it has been hard for me I had thought I dead right there but now I'm up, I felt so scared for a moment until I saw my mom and everyone else I love and care about .... It made me feel happy as well"

Kxee " look I know I will never know what you have been threw that I'm happy you are back here, it would stuck if anything bad happened to you"

Lani " thank you"

Kxee " I know you life I'd getting more difficult now but you have people here for you your siblings,friends, and me we will always be here for you lani"

Lani " thank you kxee so what happened when I was in my deep slumber"

Kxee " well there are fight among everybody I think your brothers and friends were blaming me, Tsyerio was mad I think he was about to punch me for what happened"

Lani " oh"

Kxee " yes I think they all blame me for what happened as I was the last one to be near you before the events of yesterday"

Lani " I'm so sorry kxee I didn't mean to bring you into my family drama"

Kxee "it okay"

???? " hey" lani and kxee soon looked down at the water and saw tsyeiso floating in the water he soon smiled at the pair, hoping to have some time speak with lani about something important.

Kxee " sure you can speak with her if Lani wishes for that"

Lani " yes I will love that"

Kxee " I will see you all later bye for now" kxee soon got up from his spot near you allowing Tsyerio to take his place but it seems like the boys had exchanged looks between each other. Lani was able to see it all happen before her eyes but before she could do anything else, tsyerio soon lift himself up out of the water and onto dock you were sitting on.

Tsyeiro " how are you feeling lani after waking up yesterday"

Lani " I'm feeling okay tsyerio I'm getting better by the day but still dealing with everything that happened and coming to terms with some stuff as well"

Tsyeiro " you had us all worried there when you passed out underwater we couldn't tell if you were breathing there, for a moment as you were not moving at all"

Lani " I didn't mean to worry any of you"

Tsyeiro " what really happen when you were down there with kxee underwater or when you were in your deep slumber"

Lani " well let's speak about when I was asleep well I got to see to see someone a family member who was able to help me on my time of need, along with many others as well they had helped me when I was lost"'

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