Today was a sad day as lani will be saying goodbye to kxee and his family/clan as they will be leaving today. This had brought sadness to lani as she didn't want to say goodbye to her new friend yet but she knew she will see him again, when the time comes. She knew she was on the odds with everyone else expect your her grandmother and payakan at the moment. She knew life was going to become hard once again for her and she getting herself ready whatever pandora had to throw at her. She was going to face any challenges that come her way and discover more about herself as well.
Jake " thank you olo'eythan Ion and tshaik Uru for giving us all this time to talk with you, about join the cause to fight off the sky people" there was a last meeting for like a farewell meeting beating held for all the clans that were leaving today, and heading back to their homes and clans as everybody had to get back to their lives.
Ion ' it sounded like a good deal toruk Makto but you owe all the thanks to your daughter lani" everyone looked shocked expect for Ion, Uru, and Mo'at when they heard lani name being mentioned. They all didn't have that much a good opinion on the girl based on her having demon blood and her not being like everyone else.
Neytiri " what do you mean"
Ion " I have heard you daughter speak about you all and she speak highly of you all even after all I have seen here, she is wonderful and smart girl you all don't give her enough credit ... she is so much like her grandmother and some others I know umm it so sad to see how her life is here among, the clan she has been raised by since she was born and others as well such a shame"
Uru " yes the girl has come to speak to us about joining official as we were very conflicted on joining you all after seeing and hearing things, that made us what to change our view points on you all, we spoke with the clans near us and they didn't like what was told"
Tonowari " what have you done to often you all and others"
Uru " olo'eythan tonowiar I knew you're father well and mother as well do you think they will be proud of the man you have become"
Ronal " you speak harsh words that mean nothing and we haven't done anything wrong"Uru " I'm starting to think many things of you all but as I promised lani and Mo'at I will be respect towards you all for now"
Jake " look we just want to protect our people and clam just give us a chance to show you we all are good"
Ion " are trust has been won but not because of you we will be here for you all but learn from mine and my mother words, there are many things we all can fix before any of us can act high and mighty" no one wanted to say anything to go against Ion but his words were confusing them all. It seems like the great mother has yet to smack more sense into all of these fools and their clans members.
Lani " so this is goodbye"
Kxee "it not goodbye forever we will see each other again at other meetings maybe sooner then you think, and you also have my special gift just in case you need me"lani smiled at the boy as he was packing the last of his thing onto his creature's campion.
Kxee " I believe the great mother is looking out for you lani and she will always be there for you even due you might not see it"
Lani " thank you kxee you will make a great olo'eythan"
Kxee " you will make a great tshaik maybe if eywa hears my prays she will make you my tshaik" kxee had given her a smirk which had caused lani to giggle at him making the boy smile brightly. The two of them were very close together as kxee soon brought lani into a embrace. For anyone who was walking by will see the duo acting like young teens in love or being friends and thinking nothing of it, but deep down it seems like there was something special going on between the two.
Kxee " if you are having any problems and need someone to come deal with these foolish teen I will come right away, and teach some lesson as I don't want anyone speaking badly about you"
Lani " thank you kxee but i think I'm going to fight some of my own battles right now as I need to show everyone I have a fighting spirt and won't allow them to bring me down that much ... they can say what they all want to me but I will make sure to do what I can"
Kxee " wow I wish to stay here and see you do that because I rather not be on your bad side"
Lani " well of you stay on my good side and a friend then you might never see my bad side" this has made kxee scoff and grin towards the lani.
???? " hey you two" lani and kxee soon looked back and saw they were joined by the others who soon moved closer to the duo.
Aonung " we were wondering where lani had gotten off to and we see you here on the beach with company"
Rotxo " we should of know she was with kxee it seems like you two are very close"
Lani " I came here to keep kxee company and help him as he was getting packed to leave"
Tuk " aww it sad you are elab8ng today I was hoping to got to spend more time with you"
Kxee " don't worry Tuk we will see each other again and maybe go on a bit more adventures"
Kiri " I hope you all have a blessed and safe trip home"
Kxee" thank you Kiri"
Neteyam " yes let's hope that doesn't not invoked someone else getting hurt or near death like our last outing with you"
Kxee " aww are still jot buddies neteyam I thought we are good"
Neteyam " don't push you luck have respect for you but I still worry about my sister after she could nearly die"
Lani " teyam"
Kxee " well I hope I can become friends with you all later on and you can see imma good after all, and we all can fore a close bond"
Tsireyo " only eywa can help with that if she does comes to help but she might mot"
Kxee " well it good to know I made some friends here and other relationship as well" lani had smiled she will deal with her brother and the others later on.
Ion " son are you ready to go"
Kxee " ready father and so is everyone else"
Uru " well come on we should be getting home the clan has missed us and we be home with them"
Ion " yes mother"
Jake " safe journey home all of you"
Ion " thank you" soon the clan we're getting onto their creatures companion and getting ready to leave, everyone was wishing goodbye to the visitors, it seems like other relationships might have been made during this time. Kxee gave one last look towards lani and winked before the group was official gone. Lani soon felt someone place a hand on her should she soon looked and saw it was moat, the pair soon stood there a bit longer as everyone else soon left. Either on of them saying anything and just enjoying each other company.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...