Lani had wonder off from the group after the parents had arrived she really needed clear her mind and she felt if she stayed any longer, she will say some else right now. She had been walking for a while that she was far away from the village she had felt good being away from home, as right now being here was better then staying with a whole group of adults that hated her for something out of her control. She had thought she was alone on this part of the beach as she looks out on the ocean.
????? " lani"
Lani " oh hey uncle norm"
Norm " hey kid I was about to head back to the base with these new samples and saw you, I was shocked to not see my son and there others with you"
Lani " oh yes they are back at the village I wonder off to clear my head"
Norm " hey why don't you help me carry the stuff back to the base"
Lani " sure" the two had walked to the base together talking and they soon reached it, lani was helping norm with everyone as they are outside. Some humans had come by and lani said hello to them getting a hello back as well.
Norm " I understand you have been through alot lately"
Lani " no matter what I do I will never make my dad proud of me and I will never hear him tell me he sees me never, when I wad younger I wanted that so badly but now ...."
Norm " you feel like your can go without him saying that to you"
Lani " yes and anything I have done beocme bad in everyone eyes and I'm being blamed for everything my own parents, wont come to my defense while everyone looks at me and whispers"
Lani " dad rather make all the other olo'eytahn happy and feeling good and not once hear me out"
Norm " yes we have heard of what has been happening and seen it"
Lani " now my parents think I shouldn't be tshaik and that it should go to my sister or anyone who mates with neteyam, I have been label as shameful and disappointed child"
Norm " listen here you are not a shame or disappointment you are wonderful and you have enough people who see and love you, lani it makes me mad on how Jake is treating you and o thought he will see the errors of his way before it to late"
Lani " to late for what"
Women " until you finally rip him a good one and leave him and neytiri behind or just leave the them and majority of the clan behind for good"
Max " not the times"
Women " oh come on don't act like we don't think this whole situation going to become something like on earth"
Lani " what on earth"
Norm " most kids your age or older have taken a stand on just leave home for good and cutting contact with the ones who hurt them, and never or speaking less to them in the future"
Lani " oh yes I have heard about that any of you done it" some of the humans had modded their heads it seems like there were more reasons to come and stay on pandora, it is a planet where everyone can live out their true lives and become themselves.
Lani " is it bad to say I'm starting to get tried of trying to win over jake and Neytiri along with everyone else"
Max " no it not bad it truly how you feel about the matter and no one can blame you"
Lani " thank you"
Norm " lani we all can't wait to see the type of navi you will turn out to be and if you ever need help we are here for you"
Lani " thank you Norm now of you excuse I'm off once again"
Norm " sure I will tell you jake that you stopped by and ran off to elsewhere"
Lani " thank you" lani soon ram off as she reach the beach and called her iiu and in blink of eye her iiu had shown up nshe soon got into the water and got onto her creatures and soon took off from the inland. She had went to go see her favorite group of tulkuns.
Payakan " they really said that about you"
Lani " yep they told my grandmother that but not me but I had heard everything coming out of their mouths"
Payakan " no one should bLame a child of anything and anything like that"
Lani " thank you payakan but now come on let's have some fun I can't let them get to me right now" payakan had seem to agree to at as he started going under the water, with lani holding on tight to him as they swam under water together. Lani also had taken time to swim with all the older tulkun and the younger ones as well, who seem to be more playful then the adults at the moment.
Later on that night
Lani " ......." Lani had stepped onto the docks and removed her iiu saddle, as she got a fish for the creature as well before she started heading back home. She was making her way towards her grandma house she had looked at her family home, but soon looked away as she kept on walking towards her grandmother place.
Lani " hey grandma I'm home ..."
Moat " welcome home how has your day"
Lani " it was good"
Moat " I heard yi7bhad walked off after my daughter and Jake showed up"
Lani " yes I need time to think and I just needed to get away"
Moat " everyone needs time to get away from tension I heard you spoke with norm and the humans, they had brought something to my attention and they agree with me as well ... verse your mother my foolish daughter"
Lani " yes norm had ran into me and I got to help him and like with you and payakan I had someone to talk with to, and get some advice as well it was good"
Moat " that makes me happy my dear and you are welcome to stay here as I feel that place will not be good"
Lani " thank you grandmother"
Moat " now come here there are some words I need to have with you" lani had nodded her head and soon sat down with her grandmother as they discussed something, that will known between them for the time being until later on. Lani was feeling at peace with what was going on right now, but she knew soon and later everything will come out.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...