Chapter 11

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Lani was walking on the shore she didn't know what happened between her siblings and her parents yesterday as none of them were speaking about the matter that had happened. She was just don't walking on the shore she was checking some of the fishing baskets. If they had fish in them she will drop the fish into the water barrels and soon cast them back into the water, she was enjoying the task as it gave her time away from her fathers and any other adults.

???? " hey lani ... lani wait up"

Lani " oh hey tsyerio what are you doing around here I thought you will be with the others"

Tsyerio " well I was and then came looking for you .... As you were not with the friend group"

Lani " oh I was just checking the fishing nets and seeing If they were full or not ... along with enjoying a good walk"

Tsyerio " may I join and help you"

Lani " sure"

Tsyerio " hey I want to say I'm sorry for what my parents have said and done to you.... They have been treating you unfairly"

Lani " so you and the others know about what happed that day"

Tsyerio " yes we were told you should of stayed and saw Ao'nung and Neteyam scold them all ... they scolded the mighty tokru Makto and Tonowari ..." tsyerio was laughing a bit but saw lani was not laughing with him.

Tsyerio " I'm sorry I didn't mean to ..."

Lani " it okay I'm happy my brother and Ao'nung stood up for me and all of you"

Tsyerio " you are more then some demon girl lani you are something special"

Lani " thank you tsyerio"

Tsyerio " you have changed since you arrived here become one of us ....I'm so proud of you lani"

Lani " thank you tsyerio but the forest will be close to my heart I'm starting to now belong to two worlds"

Tsyerio " that wonderful"

Neteyam " there you two are we have been looking for you both, we sent this fool to come looking for you which was our first mistake as him come back with you"

Tsyerio " I was helping her with Chores and taking a walk"

Spider " so are we interrupting something or no"

Tsyerio " we are done anyways"

Rotxo " hey lani I want to say sorry my my parents behavior towards you they told me later on that they what was said towards, you in private"

Lani " it okay rotxo everyone was worried and emotions were running high and it was hard to think straight"

Rotxo " no it not what my mother and father said was unnecessary and rude towards you after you saved my life"

Spider " we are trying to say thank you for saving us and dealing with the outcome all alone"

Lani " thank you"

Ao'nung " we will make sure they will wont say anything else bad to you"

Lani " we can't always control our parents words and ways ... what happens in the future will happen"

Tuk " don't speak like that lani"

Lani " guys as much I want to see it I don't think everything will go back to normal between my and my parents... or your guys parents that day has changed everything in good and bad"

Tuk " you are not going to run away and leave us"

Lani " no Tuk but my relationship with them will never be the same again... maybe they will when I get older but as for now I'm still trying to find out who I'm" lani had sat down on rock playing her legs in the water.

Neteyam " if you do leave will you come back"

Lani " I will always come back to you all I care for you all ... but if there a small chance eywa calls me on my journey of coming of age I will take it and I will come home"

Kiri " mom and dad really messed up they didn't"

Lani " I don't know but I got to see mother again... I felt so happy seeing her and speaking with her"

Spider " we are happy for you as well ... I'm sorry about my dads as well"

Rotox, Ao'nung, and tsireyo " we are sorry about our parents as well"

Tuk " you will always bring honor to us lani no matter what you do ... you won't ever bring shame to us"

Lani " thank you"

Ao'nung " growing up navi is very hard now these day"

Lani " growing up as navi or human is hard ... we just have to make our own paths similar to our parents or our personal ones"

Rotxo " wow when did you become so wise lani"

Lani " it has been some thing I have picked up over the pass days" the group had stayed there all day until the sun started setting, the group was heading back home but that when lani had realsed she had left her blade.

Lani " hey guys I will see you back at home I forgot something"

Neteyam " hey I will come with you"

Lani " I'm good I will be back shortly" lani had take off and found her blade placed on some unknown basket, she had opened the basket to see some beautiful spiritual dress on them. She soon closed the basket and pick it up with her blade heading home. No on was at home right now she rushed over to area of the sleeping room and put the basket down here the crystals and her other stuff.

Lani " mother eywa it seems like you keep on blessing me with stuff and let me find them out ... thank you great mother" lani had looked at the dress a but longer until she heard her family arrived, she had left the sleeping room her and her siblings were using and walked into the main room. aciting normal her siblings and start up a conversation while everyone was helping with making dinner, lani had caught her father looking at her but she didn't pay them any attention as she was enjoying her time with her siblings and grandmother.

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