Chapter 20

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It has been a day since after the whole blow up or kinda of blow up between, parents and kids and things hadn't been resolved yet. Matters hadn't been resolved for lani and everyone else around her, as she was maintaining her distance from her fathers and all the other adults. Even she dads had noticed she had dinner at moat and slept there last night not coming home. She was walking on the beach as the waves were crashing on your feet and legs as she walked on the sandy beach.

Lani " ......." There was a bright smile on her face as she was walking she had always done walks like this when she was at home, so she was happy to have them happen again.

Tsireyo " good morning lani" lani was walking when she had laid her eyes on Tsireyo as he was standing there it seems, like he had gone out for a morning walk.

Lani " good morning Tsireyo how are you doing today"

Tsireyo " good i saw you walking on the beach from my home and came to see if I can join you"

Lani " oh yes please join me I can use the company I have been walking alone for while, it will be good to have someone to talk with"

Tsireyo " sure hey let's head this way it longer and keeps us out of the view of anyone, so they won't be going home telling our parents or gossiping"

Lani " sure I will love that" Tsireyo had smirked towards lani and they soon started taking their walk in a different direction.

Tsireyo " I went by your house last night to see if you would like to go for night ride or walk but you were not there"

Lani " oh I'm sorry I went to spend the night at my grandmother house I need some distance from my fathers, that the moment after what went down yesterday"

Tsireyo " oh"

Lani " I wasn't avoiding you if you think that Tsireyo I just need my grandmother and I have stayed with her a couple of time, when situations like this had happened it not new but new here right now"

Tsireyo " I wish I can get my parents to apologize towards you but my mother is being stubborn and my father doesn't wish to cross her right now"

Lani " I understand Tsireyo"

Tsireyo " I do think my father is coming around when he speaks about you it seems to be in good tone"

Lani " oh so you all talk about me"

Tsireyo " well yes wait it not bad stuff ..."

Lani " I'm just playing around Reyo no need to worry I have been the topic of conversation for many families, as it seems like everyone has failed to remember navi have good hearing and when you do wish to speak about someone make sure they are not around"

Tsireyo " seems like words from experience"

Lani " many years of experience reyo"

Tsireyo " I love that you are calling me reyo it a good nickname"

Lani " thank you I might start calling you that at times"The two teens smile at each other as they walk on the sandy beach as the waves rush  over their feet, the two of them seem to be having a good time.

Tsireyo " do you think the alliance will be kept true between our clan and kxee clan"

Lani " yes the alliance will be kept true I know kxee and his father are honorable warriors and navi they wont dare betray us"

Tsireyo " is just comes from knowing them for a few days and you already trust them" lani was not going to tell tsireyo that she know them for a longer amount of time.

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