A brand new day had arrived on pandora, after all the events that had unfolded the previous days.Now it was a new day to see if anything will change or say the same like always. That was something that might need to wait a bit longer, to not that many surprises in the end.
Lani " ......."
Tsireyo " hey lani"
Lani " oh hello tsireyo"
Tsireyo " so I heard of what norm and your grandmother had spoken, to my parents along with yours and Rotxo ... even spider father a few others as well"
Lani " oh yes I have been told by my grandmother and siblings"
Tsireyo " oh good because it seems like my parents, are not like they have been told off by some sky person and your grandma"
Lani " oh do they what do you think about the matter"
Tsireyo " they all need to accepted the words that, had been spoken to them as it the truth we all know it"
Lani " tsireyo"
Tsireyo " I will defend you and I know I keep on speaking these words over and over again, but I will stay true to my oath to you lani"
Lani " I understand Reyo I and understand and accept"
Tsireyo " oh so I get a personal name so those kxee have a special name as well or no"
???? " oh I hear my name being mentioned and it seems like in jealousy"
Tsireyo " when you speak his name he comes"
Kxee " well I was going to come lani anyways and saw you both gather here, so we have nicknames now"
Lani " yes I have nickname for you both that might change over time, if I feel like it"
Kxee " so what is my nickname"
Lani " I'm xee but I might change over time based in my opinion of person and maybe my mood as well"
Tsireyo " fine but we get to call you ma lani if you wish"
Kxee " yes"
Lani " that sounds like a fair deal"
Kxee " so did your grandmother tell you of what had unfolded, yesterday here when we were away"
Lani " yes i was greatly informed of what had happened when we were gone yesterday, and if you may know I'm surprised it had all come bowing over the edge"
Kxee " yes coming what I had been told, there was no one who didn't miss out on scolding from moat and norm"
Tsireyo " yes my mother and father are not so happy right now saying that your grandmother had no right on speaking to them like that"
Kxee " so grown adults don't enjoy when they are be littled as well but it okay if they speak to lani in that way"
Tsireyo " I doubt they even have a good reason they are just mad that they had been told off for their horrible behavior"
Lani " my grandmother seem like last night she didn't regret the words she had spoken to them yesterday"
Tsireyo " there is nothing to regert as they are not facing the consequences of how they been treating you, bur you most be prepared as they will be doing anything to make up for the pain they have done"
Lani " yes many will come to apologize for what they have done and they will not all be true most of them will be doing it to save face, from my grandmother and Ursa after being scoled by them and to save their image as well"
Kxee " then don't accept their apology if not true they will be lying and still lying"
Lani " I will do that they most truly mean their words of apologies not some half heart speech and acting like everything will be well again"
Kxee " good and once again I hope I never get on your bad side as you are girl to not be messed with at well"
Lani " thank you"
Tsireyo " I have to agree as well once again showing your makes of tshiak taking changer, and not letting false excuses get away ad holding other accountable for their actions"
Lani " thank you"
Kxee " well why don't you enjoy this morning with us see that all three of us are here and walking home, doesn't seem that fun right now"
Lani " I will love that with you two don't mind being dragged along, by me on some wild journey" the two boys had smiled as the had soon started following, after lani as she lead them as they soon caught up.
Far away
Mo'at " it seems like my granddaughter has caught some suitors"
Ursa " yes she has two young boys that see she is everything, and that she is beautiful and wonderful... they will do anything for her and stand by her side in public and far away from her"
Moat " we had once been like her when we were younger"
Ursa " yes we had been my dear friend and now we are watching, the younger generation former their own love stories ... my son do you have anything to say"
Ion " my son has seem to find the one he wishes to be with for the rest of his life, his mother always said he will find someone special"
Moat " all three of them are perfect group"
Ion " the boys will be great warrior and leaders, and members of their clans"
Moat " my granddaughter has something special to her that I have yet to understand, fully yet but I know there is something special to her"
Ursa " you now many will not support this union"
Moat " as i remember that for them not to decide, if it true love then it will stay and if the great mother behind this then no one shall disobey her"
Ion " yes she is the finally vote on everything and we all most obey the will of the great mother"
Ursa " what of the girl so called parents, they will not like this"
Ion " who says they or tsireyo parents will still be there after all they have done, as they will need to change to but that might not happen" ion smiled toward the young trio and soon walked away. He was fine with any turn out of these events

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...