Chapter 25

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Once again the sun had risen on pandora and lani, had gotten up to face what they day will have to offer her. She had a feeling she will be facing some time of scolding or talk with Jake, about up and leaving yesterday when him and everyone else came to speak with the kids. That had been something she was trying to avoid at the moment, as she really didn't need to give them anymore reasons to say she was a bad child.

Mo'at ' off again my granddaughter "

Lani " yes grandmother I'm trying to get any work done, before Jake comes here and tries to have a talk about my so called bad behavior"

Mo'at " that a good idea and if we are not around, when he looking for you that will be excuse to keeping some distance"

Lani " yes that is true"

Mo'at " if i tell them where i don;t know where you have gone or sent you on personal errand for me they will not be able to question me or you"

Lani " grandmother"

Mo'at " i need some more roots that grow underwater here, it will be good to get many of them so you can show your progress"

Lani " oh yes that will be happening once again we'll grandmother I can do that for you" lani had smiled a bit at her grandmother.

Lani " thank you grandmother"

Mo'at " your welcome now go before they show up and trying to stop you" lani had nodded her head as she soon left the home after she grabbed her blade, she has grabbed her saddle and soon called her IIu. She had walked passed some warriors but didn't pay them any attention as she soon placed the, saddle onto her IIu and soon enough she had left the village.

Lani " here girl we can stop here this is the place" the iiu soon stopped moving and soon lani had gotten off and dove under the water, as her iiu had started swimming around and having a good time. Lani had soon been able to find the roots her grandmother will need. She and used her blade and hands to get the roots she needed soon enough she and enough.

Lani " ......" lani had looked at her Iiu to see it playing along with other Iiu they seem to be having a great time together, but when IIu had gotten a better look at the creature she remembered it very well. That when some fish had swam pass blocking her view but soon enough she had seen kxee.

Kxee " it seems like we keep on meeting like this don't we lani" lani had smiled while seeing him and soon swam towards him hugging him.

Lani " I'm sorry happy to see you again why are you here don't tell me I'm far away from home again"

Kxee " no you are not I was on my way to the village for the gathering my father and grandmother sent me ahead, there is group coming behind me as well"

Lani " well I'm happy you are here now come on let get to the village" kxee and lani soon swam to the surface they duo soon looked at each other and smiled.

Kxee " I still see you are wearing my necklace"

Lani " well it is a special gifted after all"

Kxee " aww thank you"

Lani " now come on let get going before your warriors show up or beat us back to the village"

Kxee " as you wish" the duo had rode m back to the village together, once they were close enough a horn had blown.

Kxee " well it seems like we have a welcome group"

Lani " yes it seems like to true"the duo soon reached the docks as got off their iiu, as a group had come to see them. Soon enough tonowair and Jake made their ways to the front.

Tonowari " kxee it good to see you again young man"

Kxee " thank you sir I have come a day ahead for the gathering of the leaders, my father will be here tomorrow with the rest of our group and others"

Jake " good lani where have you been"

Lani " I was out doing some tasks for grandmother you can ask her"

Jake " oh yes I will young lady and we will be talking"

Moat " no need Jake she had been give the task by me so that why she was out"

Lani " yes and when I was out I ran into kxee"

???? " lani there you are where have you been .... Kxee"

???? " sister there you are I was about to come find you .... Kxee of good you are here again" neteyam and tisreyo had came racing to the front.

Kxee " hello tsireyo and neteyam" soon everyone else and shown themselves.

Kxee " my father through it will be good if I came early for it to be good, even my grandmother approved of it as well"

Neytiri " oh then we will find you a place to stay"

Moat " he will be staying with me for the night until his family arrives, and lani as well"

Lani " i love that idea"

Jake " well I don't lani will be coming home with us or we can find elsewhere for the boy to rest"

Mo'at" I'm sorry Jake but I out rule you and this boy is my friend grandchild, I will not be turning him away and lani will be staying with me for reasons we all know" moat had won the battle against Jake sully.

Moat " good now that settled and done let make sure everything ready for the gather and anything else" everyone agreed do what moat had said lani had been seen speaking with kxee, as he had whispered something in her ear making her laugh and smack his shoulder. Getting disappointed looks from some of her family and friends, as none of them were the biggest kxee fan and fans of this situation as well. Kxee had spent the night in moat home enjoying most of his time with her, and lani had become happy as well in the end.

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