When it felt liked the day couldn't get even more filled with quilt and judgement, that was not true. As there had been some others that had yet to see, the errors of their previous actions and now present actions as well. It had now reach the edge of facing a relatively, and beware of future consequences as well. It felt like it was time to stop sugar coating everything, and just rip of the bandage that has been stuck for to long. What will take for someone to finally rip off the bandage, and speak the truth that has been stored away for two long.
Moat " thank you all for coming again for this meeting, let's hope it can be blessed by the great mother herself"
Neytiri " mother we need to talk"
The tshaiks had gather once again with some of there healers that came as well, as everyone thought it will be a good time to gather to talk and learn from each other as well.Mo'at " what do we need to talk about my daughter"
Neytiri " I wish to speak to you about lani"
Mo'at " well speak my daughter or hold your words for a better time"
Neytiri " I along with Jake and tsu'tey have seen how close lani and knee knee have been getting, since the boys return to this village"
Mo'at " they are teens my daughter that common behavior"
Ursa " neytiri I hope you are not speaking ill about my child as he a well behave boy and young warrior like your eldest son"
Neytiri " no is just wish to address something that has gained everyone attention"
Ronal " how the girl carry herself and act is very bad you should be worried for you grandson ursa, as I'm for my son tsireyo"
Ursa " that girl has done nothing wrong I see her as someone perfect ronal"
Tshaik " well she is reason why everything has been unbalanced"
Mo'at " do not case blame of what going on on her"
Neytiri " mother I know you care for lani but you need to see what better for the clan, we can forskane kiri and tuk inheritance to become tshaik for lani"
Mo'at " ......."
Neytiri " none of the clans will support her becoming tshaik knowing her reputation, we need to do what best for the family and clan we can find something for lani to do that her has rights to inherited but we need to think what everyone else will have to say .... Please mother rethink who you wish to take over for you for the family and clan"
Tshaik 2 " neytiri speaks the truth it has been said already that none of the clans will support that girl become tshaik, as it will bring shame to us all"
Ronal " yes the reef clans have agreed as well the girl has questioned everything, and now it seems like she trying to lead our children down a different path mostly my son"
Mo'at " enough"
Neytiri " mother"
Mo'at " enough I want you all to be quite right now no more speaking any of you"
Ronal " moat"
Moat " ronal if speak one more word you will see even in my age I can still give up a good fight" everyone soon backed off as moat glares at then all.
Moat " I'm done with you all be little lani it makes me sick seeing full grown navi women some of you mothers, and others future mother making her feel useless and small"
Everyone " ......"
Moat " you all will not tell me what I should or shouldn't do when it comes to me teaching lani the ways of tshaik, and what makes you all think you can stop me skywangs all of you"
Everyone " ....."
Ursa " all you act like cruel children towards someone so young"
Moat " my daughter i thought I and your father had raised your well but it seems like that has been proven wrong, by your actions and words toward lani"
Neytiri " ......"
Moat " if you father, sister, and Grace were here they will be ashamed of your behavior my daughter you have shamed me as well I thought you had learned when you fall in love with Jake not to judge anyone and to accept everyone ... but it seems like you and everyone here a hypocrites to the teachings of great mother"
Neytiri " mother"
Moat " no Neytiri I had held my tongue for far to long because your daughter had asked me to but that night, you and Jake blamed her I should of done more she is not to blame she child who loves to explore she didn't know the enemies looked like us"
Moat " there you go blaming her along with your husband the rest of the clan you are all the shameful ones not her, she has made mistakes in the past and so have you but no one holds that against you all your life"
Ursa " horrible actions"
Neytiri " mother I ..."
Moat " silence Neytiri I don't wish to hear anything from you right now ronal"
Ronal " yes"
Moat " how are you act so cruel towards my granddaughter just because she not the navi girl you wish for you son, and how dare you also say she not good enough for your son that not up for you to decide"
Ronal " ......"
Moat " it makes me sick to see your behavior and all the other reef/ocean navi people glaring at her and whispering at her, her some words she knows what you all are doing and I think past this point she doesn't care as she sees it not worth her time"
Ursa " the Great mother will be ashamed of she children treating another so coldly like this"
Moat " I have to agree and I have see lani seek guidance from myself and humans along with many others, guidance she should be getting from her own mother but it seems like she hasn't one of the guidance of her staying with the clan or leaving"
Neytiri " wait lani is planning to leave"
Moat " that up for her to decide and what ever decision she makes I will be proud of her and give her my blessing as well"
Neytiri " mother we need to ..."
Moat " leave me all of you expect ursa im done with all of you I need time to think right now and pray to the great mother for help"
Neytiri " mother"
Moat " I said leave neytiri now before anything else happens to bring more shame upon us" the others soon packed up and left moat and ursa, none of them feeling well of what has happened. The feelings of quilt and judgement was looming over them, as they are heading back to the village rethinking everything. Moat words had really gotten to everyone but she didn't speak the truth, now they most learn to accept it and learn from their mistakes before it was to late.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...