When it comes to lani future mate or mates it still seems to be up on the air between Tsireyo and kxee as both males, have a special connection with lani and have and will start proving themselves to her. Lani does have feelings for both males and is very confused on where her heart lies, as she knows that Tsireyo family will not approve of relationship well mostly ronal and the clan. Tonowari along wit his two other sons aonung and Rotxo seem to be good towards lani and will soon show the support of the relationship. I do wish to have her both with kxee and tsireya for many reasons and if you wish to know please ask me in the comments. More in the book you will be seeing lani having romantic moments with the two boys and maybe along with having a better relationship with her fathers as well.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...