Chapter 31

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The words that had been spoken by norm last night was still in jake and Neytiri heads as they try to come to terms, with the true meaning of his speech last night. Ever since the fallout with lani things for them haven't been the same as they watched their daughter, pull further further away from them. It seems like they haven't yet come to terms that they were the ones that brought this upon themselves, after all that happened to the years with them and lani it soon lead to where they are now. Now everyone else had been treating the girl everyone had some type of involvement of what lead, to lani being the girl she is right now.

Lani " ......" lani had left her grandmother joke after their morning meal, as moat was needed in private meeting with ursa.

Kxee " good morning lani where are you going"

Lani " well at the moment right now I don't know where, I'm just wondering around and attending to some task here and there all"'

Kxee " do you wish for some company while high are out here, as being alone it not always good"

Lani " thank you"kxee had nodded his head as the pair soon walked toward the sulky family home having some conversation, along with getting glares as well form anyone who was outside at the moment.

Lani " I'm don't have energy to be dealing with any of this childish behavior"

Lani " excuse me do you have something you wish to speak to me about or is there something wrong with my looks"

Young warrior " umm no I was just seeing you and kxee walking over and ..."

Kxee " don't act stupid she saw you and other looking at her and whispering about her she been noticing this whole time, she not blind od stupid unlike you"

Young warrior 2 " well how could we she all know about her and what had unfolded yesterday how dare you address, the thshaik and others in that rude tone"

Lani " first of all I'm going to be nice right now when I don't have to at all I was not being rude I was, telling the truth and how I felt I like because I know I was no wanted there like I'm not wanted here or at the forest ... by some other Ned I accept that very sad right"

Others " ....."

Lani " I have accepted I will never be welcome by anyone here or on the forest and that okay with me I can added to my songchord of being an outcast and different but I accept that"

Kxee " it good you are unlike everyone else unless you can think and act for yourself"

Lani " like I have heard the humans say most of you are like sheep's following the herd so unless you wish to say what you think about me now speak or get out of the way and go do your duties"

Others " ......"

Lani " then please move and we all can go on with our lives for the day"The group of young warriors soon back away and out of lani way as she soon walked passed them all it seems like she had gained some spirt in her.

Lani " have a good day everyone"

Knee " wow I hate to be the one who gets on her bad side wait no you all did that ... well least she just put you all in your place nicely" kxee soon hiss at them making them back away as well.

Lani " we are finally here"

Kxee " so want to talk about the whole situation that had unfolded yesterday that seem to gain everyone attend good and bad"

Lani " well yesterday it seems like the idea of me attending the session with the other tshaik and their daughters, along with healers didn't like the idea thinking it will be bad ... mostly coming from ronal and the others"

Kxee " oh yes my grandmother had some chose of words on the matter"

Lani " so did my grandmother they did offer me some lessons on becoming thsaik and there is no way any of the other tshaiks, can disobey them as they are of higher rank and elders of the community"

Kxee " you are right about that ma lani"

Lani " ma lani"

Knee " it suits you perfectly and no one can go againt me calling you that"lani had giggle at kxee words making the boy smirk.

???? " lani" the two teens soon stoped walking when they came across jake as he stood there in front of them.

Lani " hello sir"

Jake " it good to see you today"

Lani " same as well sir"

Jake " kxee hello young man"

Kxee " hello olo'eythan Jake sully"

???? " there you are jake sully the other olo'eythan will love to see more of the sky people work ... oh hello lani and kxee"

Lani " hello tonowari sir and ion" soon tonowari and ion had soon arrived joining the three convention, lani was hoping this conversation will keep going good.

Ion " hello my son and lani"

Kxee " hello baba"

Jake " we can make that happen as norm and all our other friends will love to show more of their work, and have more conversations with then"

Tonowari " that good to know lani im sorry about yesterday ronal had told me of what taken place"

Lani " it okay olo'eythan I handle the situation the best I can now it just to embrace the fallout of what happened"

Jake " good oh yes I and your mother wish to have some words about yesterday and what your grandmother had said"

Lani " then with all respect sir you should address the second topic with moat herself it her decision to make, at the end of day"

Jake " yes you are right and where are you two planning to go for the day"

Lani " I'm planning to go out of the reef for some fun and get a peace of mind as well"

Jake " you shouldn't go alone you should bring your siblings, spider,and tonowari sons,  Rotox with you fro safety and to have a good time"

Tonowari " yes I think Tsireyo will love to spend time with you"

Kxee " I will be going with her sir we will be okay"

Ion " I can say my son is up for the task and it seems like they were planning to spend time together, before we interrupt their dad ... do you have something against it jake or tonowari"

Jake and tonowari " no"

Ion " then enjoy your day both of you"

Lani " thank you and have a blessed meeting" lani soon bowed her head in respect and soon left with kxee, the two teens soon left the village. Understand the moment back there had so much tension but right now they just wanted to get away from all that was happening back there.

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