Chapter 29

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The three teens had reached the docks and soon climbed they all had went to moat home for morning breakfast, and she was happy to have them over. She had given gotten another opportunity to see the two guys acting as good support towards her granddaughter and lani to be there for them as well. The two boys from the sea and the girl from the forest seem to be the perfect match under the eyes on eywa. Once they were all done eating their morning meal the kids had spent their days doing their best, along with lani making sure not to have that much run in with her parents and the other adults.

Neteyam " lani"

Lani " yes teyam"

Neteyam " we are all heading to the human camp I was wondering if you wanted to come with us"

Lani " sure as dad said it will be good for us to be a perfect family" lani  and neteyam soon had headed towards where the group was waiting for them. Lani was praying to the great mother that no one will say anything stupid today or any comments towards here, but know how that pray went unanswered in the past on faith will help her.

Neteyam " father I got lani and brought her alone"

Jake " good lani sweetie you are here"

Lani " yes I came to have some time with my siblings, cousins, and friends along with being supportive toward my mother clan members as well during this whole even as it the right thing and we all need to be supportive"

Ion " your daughter is right jake sully always saying something wise"

Lani " thank you"

Tonowari " well we should get going to see what these humans have come up with that can help us all" the group soon left and headed toward the human camp.

Norm " hello everyone and welcome to our base of operations"

Jake " hey norm thank you once again for doing this for us"

Norm " your welcome buddy and we all appreciate you including, us more into getting rid of the RDA after all that happened ... your daughter have been major help around here" soon everyone looked at lani as she stood there listening to norm speak.

Neteyam " wait this is what you do during your time away"

Lani " it one of many things I do when I'm away, along side explore more of ocean and reef and many other things ... when I did to make sure not to bring shame to the family and clan"

Kxee " you know how to have good adventures and some of those leads you back to me"

Lani " some of them not all of them" some of the humans watched the whole interaction between the two teens, and started laughing about the whole situation finding it very funny and cute.

Norm " so you most be kxee lani speak highly of you"

Kxee " thank you and nice to meet you all as well, this is my father ion we have been told sonic of your work and brave of the humans along side the avatars"

Ion " hello I have been told so much about you norm and your friends, from lani here alongside Jake sulky and your mate"

Norm " that nice to know we and hope we don't disappoint any one of you"

Norm " now come we have a lot to show you and we can talk more later on"everyone seem to agree with going one with the rest of the tour, as the scientist shows some of Navi their technology and how to fight against the RDA stuff.

Norm " most of the RDA weapons, aircrafts, and ships have weak points that you all can strike to destroy them"

Olo'eythan 3 " how are we sure that your demons are not ticking us and will later on betray us, as if seems like all demons are the same from the sky and from here"

Max " oloeythan we mean no harm we just came here to help, and we will still help to defend pandora from the RDA"

Lani " we are going to need all the help we can get, during this time as the RDA will stop at nothing until they settle some old scores from the past ... so we can take our time building trust or take a chance and have faith in the humans after all"

Ion " the girl speaks wise words I hate to be her enemy, as she has the mighty heart and voice to rise up the clan like her father ... or maybe on her own even better then toruk makto himself"

Jake " yes my daughter seems to be doing a good job maybe I should talked, with her and see if could of lead this meeting"

Scientist 2 " yes lani always has and will be a great help around here"

Spider " aww it seems like lani is taking my place here I feel so hurt"

Neteyam " same here"

Norm " don't worry boys you still are special around here like your sisters, we are just giving lani some praise for her help"

Neteyam " we understand uncle norm but we hope to be able to spend more time with lani when she not always busying wondering off"

Lani " you can always join me and it seems like everyone to kxee always seems to have a way to find me"

Tsireyo " a reason or power we can't explain"

Aonung " that is true"

Rotxo father " most of those times leading others into danger"

Rotox " baba we been over this last night I'm sorry lani"

Lani " it okay rotox everyone can have their own opinions and it not easy to change everyone mind on someone or something, but right now lets enjoy the rest of the tour"

Kxee " hey lani why don't you and one of your friends here explaining the aircraft over there"

Lani " sure come along"

Max " come on kids you can come see the helicopter and if we are lucky we can go short ride" the children had taken off towards the helicopter to go see it.

Jake " well this it going well"

Norm " yes it going well for now but it will be good to take lani words to heart I will leave you all to talk and decide on how we can help you" norm soon wlaked off leaving the group of older navi males to talk, lani had glance back at them but showed not that much emotion on her face as she soon looked away and started having a good time with everyone else. Ion had give the group of adults a glare before he walked off after saying, something under his breath that no one could understand. Even due the day had gone well it seems, like the Navi have made a bad impression or disappointment the humans on a matter that will take them a while to see and understand. Will the Navi see the humans have the fight spirt, when it comes to defending the ones they love and care about at the end of day. Soon everyone will see the ability of lani and humans, and see they have a warrior spirt like all of them.

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