When lani had opened her eyes she saw so many bright light floating around her. She soon got up and bit to see she was in the ancestral world of the great mother eywa herself, this was the place here the souls of the loved ones went after they meet with the great mother. She had slowly got up trying to gain her balance as she started walking around on the glowing grass below her.
Lani " why I'm here I'm dead no I was alive that last time I remember but something happened"
?????? " hello my beautiful granddaughter" lani soon looked around and saw her grandfather standing there she soon ran towards him, as her grandfather had his arm reaching out. Lani soon ran into his arms hugging him tightly she was so happy to see him again.
Lani " hello grandfather"
Eyuthan " my you have grown since the last time to have saw you become a wonder young lady"
Lani " thank you"
???? " to good to see you again my beautiful niece"lani soon saw Slywainn walking towards her making lani even more happier.
Lani " why I'm here I haven't dead yet"
Eyuthan " no my daughter you are still alive and well but in a deep sleep"
Lani " why have the great mother brought me here"
Slywainn " the great mother works wonders my niece"
Eyuthan " we can sense something is bothering you young one"
Lani " I feel like no matter what I do or say I will always me my fathers disappointment"
???? " Jake knows nothing he was once in your place but has forgotten where he stands now"
Lani " grace" lani walked towards the women she had seen grace on her logs and pictures but she never seen her face to face.
Grace " hello lani I have seen you grow up into a beautiful young lady and master things, I never knew Navi could do and face judgment from others as well"Grace looked very disappointed and it was easy to tell who she was disappointed in at the moment and it was all the adults in her life.
Lani " yes and it seems like no matter what I do everyone seem judges me even jake thinks I bring him shame"
Grace " don't worry about your dad is an idiot you have done stuff he will never to or understand"
Lani " Thanks"
???? " here I thought my brother will be a better man and father hen he as given a second chance in life" soon everyone made way for a human man that look so much like Jake. That when lani gasped it was her uncle Tommy she had seen pictures of him and heard stories about him as well.
Lani " uncle Tommy how is is possible I have always been wanting to see you"
Tommy " hello my niece i have been watching over you and your family it breaks my heart to see what Jake has done" Tommy has soon become avatar and hugged lani making her smile, it made her happy to see she had more loved once's watching over her.
Eyuthan " you are always making me proud and same goes for your brothers even due you are not doing stuff similar to them, you are still making me proud I know you were mean to do great stuff when you were born"
Slywainne " be yourself young one the great mother has given you a blessings that come rarely among navi, even due others see you as an outcast you have always been a child of the great mother"
Eyuthan " my granddaughter it now time to show all of show everyone what you are made of show them, no matter what they say or do will bring you down stand up for yourself fight back if need or walk away"
Lani " thank you"
Slywannie " they guys you have been giving will help you follow the dynasty that has been made for you since the day of your birth"
Lani " do you know of anything that future as in hold for me"
Grace " we don't know either my child we can't see in the future"
Lani " I understand I will wait to see what my dynasty holds for me and I will deal with it the way I see fit, and I will no longer have other words get the best of me anymore I will fight back when did or walk away"
Eyuthan " you make the family proud my granddaughter you have never brought shame to this family"
Lani " thank you grandfather"
Tommy " we will be here for you when you need help my niece"
Lani " yes thank you all"
Eywa " lani my child you are someone to be proud of not shameful of you will do amazing things in your life, I give you another blessing that will help unlock more of the talents you had been born with at the right time"
Lani " ...." Before lani couldn't say anything else as she soon felt herself waking and hearing some praying being spoken over her, she slowly open her eyes to she was back home and everything was well now. Soon moat and ronal stopped their work and looked at the girl as she was breathing normally again and was now wide awake.
Moat " my granddaughter you are finally up ..Neytiri and Jake come over here she is awake now" soon lani could see her parents looking down on her Jake had taken her right hand and neytiri her left hand. Saddest was on their faces as they were now looking at their baby girl and she was back to them.
Neytiri " oh my sweet daughter you are wake I have missed you"
Jake " oh baby girl you are finally awake" unknown tears had started falling down her face as her fathers and grandmother were comforting her time of need. She was happy to be home but she still felt scared as she felt like she had dead but was brought back to life.
Ronal " she is safe now but she will need to take it easy for a few days I will leave you all to be with her, I will send the children inside to see her" lani had noticed it wad night time so she had been out for every long time as she remembered it was still daylight when she was awake but now night. Soon the boys had came rushing into the room after hearing lani was alway and well. The others just stood there saying nothing they knew saying the wrong word will be bad for lani and they rather not send into panic over their foolish words. Lani knew there are more to their life she was have discover but she was wondering when she was get all the answers to all her many questions.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...