Chapter 26

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A brand new day has began on the reef of pandora and it was a good morning with no problems at all, at the moment for lani. She had woken up early and decided to got for a walk on the beach for some exercise and to wake herself up a bit more, and she was not alone as kxee had found her and joined her for a walk. The pair seem to be enjoying themselves as they are walking on sandy beach keeping their conversation down to low, as they wished not to wake anymore up or drawn attention to themselves as well.

Kxee " I'm happy that my father allowed me to come ahead of him and the rest of the group"

Lani " well I'm happy as well to have someone else here with me"

Kxee " so what has happened here I was last here"

Lani " will you love a long story or short story"

Kxee " tell me everything and I don't care how long the stories will have to be" lani soon giggled and smile towards kxee as she had taken him arm, as they soon started walking once again and began telling him about everything that happened when she was away.

Kxee " well it seems like Jake and Neytiri have archive something that no parent wishes for in life"

Lani " what is that"

Kxee " well one have your child no longer seeing you as hero and second the chances of you losing any future with said child, and seeing how your grandma and uncle have done a good job of parenting then them"

Lani " they are good parents but only when it comes to my siblings maybe our relationship is not what, I wish for ever in my life but that what is right now"

Kxee " well then it their lost as they missing out on a wonderful girl"

Lani " thank you"

Kxee " your welcome"

???? " hey lani" the two teens had stopped walking when they heard someone calling out for lani as they soon looked up to see norm walking towards them.

Lani " hey norm kxee is my uncle norm he the mate of Tsu'tey and father of spider"

Kxee " hello norm I see you"

Norm " hello kxee I see you ... so you two are up early does your grandmother know you are out here"

Lani " yes"

Norm " good everyone at the camp is getting everything ready to show the olo'eythan we are here as friends and Allies"

Kxee " you have nothing to worry about norm my father and grandmother had been told about you from, Jake sulky and moat but they wish to learn more about your avatars and unusual homes"

Lani " unusual"

Kxee " well my dad called them weird looking I thought unusual will be good"

Norm " both words work fine kid we can do that along with anything else they needs to be seen"

Kxee " thank you"

Norm " well I'm promised at home for breakfast with my husband and son I will leave you two to enjoy, your walk and morning but please remember to have you morning meals"

Y/n and kxee " yes sir" norm had nodded his head as he soon walked away leaving the two teens alone, as lani had looked back and smiled at her uncle he smile back and gave her thumbs up. Making lani blush a bit and soon laugh as well.

Kxee " hey this everything okay"

Lani " oh yes everything is perfect come on let keep on with our walk before someone comes, and actually tries to end our walk together"

Kxee " sure lead the way and I will follow"

Lani " thank you" the pair soon started walking once again as lani ahd lead the way and kxee had followed right after her, the two once going about to their conversation. Not having that much care in the world at the moment and just enjoying the peace and fun right now.

Kxee " you know my father will be trying his best not to get everyone a scolding for their behavior towards you"

Lani " that good to know and tell your father it will be good but right now I don't need to be causing any more trouble, for myself and everyone else right now if we are going to have help in this fight against the RDA"

Kxee " okay I will pass on the word"

Lani " good"

Kxee " whatever happens in today or for my remaining time here in this village I will make sure, you have more people by your side",

Lani " Thank I can use all the support but that times I need to know when I can stand on my own, but I also know to ask for help and I'm doing both right now"

Kxee " I love that way you think and act"

Lani " good because you will being see a whole lot of it from here on now"

Kxee " I love that" lani had laughed as she tugged on kxee arm as they went back to walking they knew the gather will be happing soon or later. Maybe it was time to show everyone what she was made of after and all and she was no longer some demon child or shame as well, or maybe she will soon stop caring whatever had to say about her and goes go with it after all. The pair soon return to moat home to have some breakfast and talk before anything else around here become, challenging or busy for everyone in this village no matter who they were right now.

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