Lani had been able to find out how her family really thought about her when mostly what her parents had thought, along with the majority of the clan as well. They all seems to be ashamed of her and blame she for everything that happened at home, which had been out of her control but no one wish to think it that way. When relationships between parent and daughter couldn't be any more complicated then it was already had been. It could be easy to say matters will not be easily resolved as everyone might think, and maybe yesterday conversation will make matters even worsted in the family and clan.
Lani " ......."
Moat " ........"
Lani " grandmother do you think all the blame and Shame should be on my shoulders for what happened back at home"
Lani " because right now everyone think I'm the one to blame for all the happened"
Moat " my granddaughter what happened that day is not your fault, thoes sky people have messed with the balance of life and death"
Lani " yes I don't think their little recoms are under their control"
Moat " what do you mean"
Lani " they dress them as haunt soldiers and give their group a new name, but even due they have memories of their old lives as human they have been reborn or made into Navi ... meaning they are like Jake in some way a person between two worlds"
Moat " ......."
Lani " why would they still fight for some humans when they have all these strength and new abilities, that make the RDA seem lesser"
Moat " what makes you say that my child" moat is looking at her granddaughter with an confused look as she was trying to understand what lani was speaking about, at lani seem to be onto something right now. Lani soon looked at her grandmother and got ready to explain what she as talking about right now.
Lani " well I saw quaritch fine his old human body and crush the skull and it seems like he didn't care, he even looked over the fotage of him dying my Jake and neytiri hands"
Mo'at " you might be onto something"
Lani " I don't want to say they should be given a second chance but something feels off about the whole situation"
Mo'at " only the great mother will know my dear"
Lani " yes ma'am"
Moat " you had called Jake and neytiri by their names and mot by mom and dad"
Lani " I know and for some reason I didn't wish to call them mom and dad after what happened yesterday, no matter what I do if good I will never be good enough for them and now they wish for me not to be tshaik as I don't fit their perfect image of daughter and tshaik"
Moat " you will be tshaik my child it your birth right after all and I think you will be good at the job"
Lani " thank you grandmother"
Moat " well I'm going to get going in need at healer hut with ronal and the healers will you be good"
Lani " yes I will be o can't stay hidden away all the time and let everyone think they got the upper hand" moat had nodded her head as grandmother and grandchild, had left the home together but soon separated as lani was going to meet up with everyone else.
Lani " hey everyone"
Tuk " lani you are here mom and dad said you spent the night at grandma house"
Lani " yes I did I might be spending a couple more night at her home for while"
Tuk " can I come beauty please"

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...