Chapter 36

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The trio had been walking on the beach having a good time, as they had morning meal together under a tree . After kxee and tsireyo had teamed up together to gather some fruit and nuts to eat, for breakfast and it worked perfectly. The trio was having a good time at the moment, not allow judgement adults to come ruin their happy moment. Finally allow to have some time of peace without getting bothered by, others who are now making up from mistakes that they had caused and are wishing to clean up just to save themselves from enteral judgement.

Lani "It's good to see you both work well as a team"

Tsireyo " yes we do and it good we have been able to, bring a smile to your face as well"

Kxee " a good meal can always make anyone smile when it good food and shared among, those you care about dearly"

Lani " i have to agree with you both and I think the great mother will be proud of all three of us"The two teen boys and nodded their heads in agreement, happy about lani words towards them. Once they got done eating they had cleanse themselves off and headed back towards the village.

Lani " it seems like once again all the olo'eythans are gathering together" the three teen has arrived at the time, when all the leaders and right hands even as well like usual. The meeting was not that far from the human base.

Lani " this seems like it going to be interesting"

Kxxe " oh yes my father did mention there was going to be another meeting, with the human I be again"

Neteyam " sister there you are I was wondering where you had gotten this morning,as when I woke up you were gone"neteyam had come walking toward with the group, but he was not alone. As he had spider, Ao'nung, and Rotox with him.

Lani " well I went to get some time to think outside, along with spending some time with my creatures as well"

Neteyam " good I was thinking had went to go see payakan again on your own"

Lani " not yet big brother everything is fine"

Kxee " if she does go we will go with her if she says we can come"

Neteyam " good and thank you for being there for her the both of you"

Ao'nung " so baby brother mind sharing with the group where you had been this morning, as your hammock was empty when I and Rotox woke up"

Tsireyo " I was on the beach with lani"

Spider " that sound like it was fun"

Rotox " it seems like you three are always having time to spend together"

Lani " well most of time with it happens with us knowing and other times it by a miracle"

Rotox " that a good answer"

Lani " I'm happy you love that answer" lani words had made the group of boys laugh, as she soon started laughing as well.

Neteyam " it was good that grandma had let us stay the night, it was good to have a meal with you and her again without our parents being there"

Lani " yes it was good to have you all over we should have more meals like that, and I know grandmother will let you all move in with her for a longer stay if needed"

Neteyam " thank you"

Lani " spider how has everything been for you at home with your dads"

Spider " well it seems like my father is not enjoying being told off by my dad, about his horrible behavior toward you but this was going to happen sooner or later"

Ao'nung " none of our parents seem to be happy about, being told they are all being cruel towards lani"

Lani " easy they have been doing it for years until now, it seem like everything had come bowling over and there was no stopping it anymore ... grandmother and norm along with the other had wish for years to speak the truth but I had stopped them"

Neteyam " why"

Lani " for the love I held for our parents and clan, I didn't wish for any trouble and tension among the humans and Navi ... but time has changed I still have love for my family and members of our clan but my love for others might not be the same"

Neteyam " it understandable sister what you gave done is something, we might not never handle like you have done"

Lani " thank you big brother"

???? " good morning boys it good to see you all together, this morning... lani hello" Jake had come walking over with tonowari and tsutey. It seems like they notice the boys before they saw lani.

Lani " hello sir tonowari and Tsu'tey it a good morning isn't it"

Jake " yes it is my daughter"

Tsu'tey " it good to see you kids early this morning"

Tonowari " it seems like the morning is starting off well for us all"

Ion " good morning everyone" ion had appeared with norm, as some of avatar and humans started walking around the area or staying inside.

Kxee " baba good morning"

Ion " hello my son it good to see as I had woken up this morning and you were gone"

Kxee "oh yes this morning I was on the beach with lani and tsireyo,we had talked and had morning meal together"

Tsireyo " yes that is true we had both plans on speaking with lani, and had she use this morning to do it"

Lani " we had made sure to not to leave the village, today and found a perfect place on the beach to have some fun"

Tonowari " good" it was easy to see that out of all the adults near the group, three of them seem like they had something they wish to say right now.

Norm " well it good to see you kids were able to have the morning you all wish"

Lani " yes it was good to have all my siblings in the same home with me, along having my grandmother there as well"

Ion " good"

Norm " well it seems like everyone is ready for this meeting to start and we shouldn't, be keeping everyone waiting around as there much things that need to be addressed"

Jake " yes the meeting will be good for us all"

Norm " yes let's hope we all learned from yesterday meeting"

Tsu'tey " ma norm"

Norm " I will see your kids later on with everyone else, telling your grandmother and sister I say hello and will see them later as well"

Lani " yes uncle I can make that happen take care all of you, now if you excuse me and the others we will be taking over leave now" lani had modded her head before she walked away, as the boys had looked at them adults giving cold glares to all but two.

Jake " lani"

Lani " yes sir"

Jake " have a good day today"Jake had become silent as lani was looking, at him with eyes that seemed to be cold. He wish to say more to her but knew, he was being watched closely and anything he could say will make matters worse for him.

Lani " thank you sir and may the great mother shine her lights down on all of her children, as she loves us all"lani had soon started walking away after, she was done speaking her words had started having a major effect on everyone. Lani is becoming more and more of what she future self shall would be in time.

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