Chapter 22

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It was a next day after the whole incident with lani and ronal they girl was keeping her distance from most of her family and her clan, along with avoiding a good amount of the metkayaina clan. There were still some whispers that were going on between the fight that had unfolded between her and ronal a couple days ago. Lani did feel good that tonowari was on her side and giving her a chance to explain herself verse judging her like everyone else at the moment. Lani had decided to for a swim she was now floating in the water, but soon started going under the water.

Lani " well lani you might go down as eywa most lucky and unlucky child, as every time you think you are on top of the world someone or something comes crashing it down" lani had always told herself not to let other opinions of her, to effect her life but sometimes that was hard to do for her.

Lani " why I'm always getting blamed it not always my fault, like it was not my fault we had to leave home how was I supposed to know the RDA had avatar... how was I supposed to know everyone was going to get hurt at day.... How was my bonding with payakan bad .... Ahhh" lani had let out a scream she was trying to get clam and collected but she was so bad right now. Stuff between her parents was not good right now and it seems like she had even got a even worse relationship with ronal and the rest of her clan, she barely even spoke with Tsu'tey and norm along with Rotxo parents after the events that unfolded. It seems like she was meant to have a bed relationship with them all for the rest of her life and never a good one with them.

Back to the village

Jake " where could that girl has gone off to she sneaks off more now these days what has gotten into her"

Neytiri " I don't know that girl is no longer the same anymore and it start to worry me"

Jake " it worrying us all now she started tension with ronal when we thought she was getting better"

Neytiri " we need to talk with her and see what the matter now there whispers about her relationship with her siblings, her friends, and Tsireyo along with the kxee boy"

Jake " we definitely need to speak with her about Tsireyo and kxee for the shake and repetition of the family and clan"

???? " you two still haven't changed after all you still seeing her as shameful child when she hasn't done nothing wrong"

Neytiri " what do you mean mother and I have a feeling you know where she has gone"

Moat " no I don't know where she went but i think she out there" moat had pointed towards the ocean as Jake had sighed heavily.

Jake " I will go after her and bring her home"

Moat " no you shall not you will leave her be don't go chasing her now when you didn't that night of storm"

Jake " I ..."

Moat " both of you have failed to see your daughter and basically understand her but you always seem to see the children"

Jake " moat it has been very hard on us all after we had to leave the forest and come here, we need the kids to behave well and represent the family good we don't need trouble"

Moat " you don't need lani to be herself you rather have her play a specific role or be like neteyam and Kiri"

Jake " she our daughter moat we know what best for her" moat had stared laughing a jake word she he soon looked at her daughter and son in law.

Moat " that child of perfect and will be a fit tshiak when she older"

Jake " no she not ready for that important role her kiri or Tuk will be better for the role or who mates with neteyam, she will not be ready for the role and the people will not support it"

Moat " can I add you two to not support that decision as well"

Neytiri " that not important mother she not ready she will not be tshaik of the clan or this clan"

Moat " what about kxee clan you see the way two acted when they were together her"

Jake " she mot ready for the weight of the role kiri will be better choice in the end over her and that is decided"

Moat " umm so do you blame her for having us leave our home and maybe losing everything as everyone else does, as I don't she didn't nothing she didn't know but everyone seems to blame her"

Jake and Neytiri " ........"

Moat " the girl is burning flame that will keep on burning now matter who tries to burn it out, she has been through many challenges more challenging that we will never do like she has done ... she have a bright future and I can see that I will mot allow anyone to stop her from being a tshiak and whatever else she does"

Neytiri " no one will live the idea mother it will cause trouble for the clans and what she doing with making great change"

Moat " then there needs to be change within the clan you two changed it when you become mates, and later 9n fighting winning a war against the sky people" Jake and neytiri had fallen silent for what had been spoke from moat the women looked at them and said nothing.

Moat " you have failed to keep her safe from the other here within our clan and others clan as everyone blame her,for actions that our out of her control and you allowed ronal to be little her and did nothing while you scolded her ... even tonowair knew that was wrong and came to child defense when her own parents haven't don't it"

Jake " we had thought she didn't something wrong we need to fix the errors of her ways"

???? " errors of my ways" all three adults had gotten scared when they heard lani voice they soon saw her standing there.

Neytiri " lani did you hear ..."

Lani " yes I heard all that so thank you"

Jake " lani sweetie we didn't .."

Lani " I think it will be best if we give each other some space right now before even more words will be spoken, grandmother will it be fine I spend more night at your home"

Moat " yes you can my dear it will be good and help you clear your head"

Lani " thank you"

Neytiri " lani we are sorry please understand where we ..."

Lani " I think it will be good for moe excuses as well it will not help the situation at the moment" Jake and Neytiri werr going to say something else but moat had looked at them, and said nothing else as they walked off. Now it seems like family matters had even more broken then they were before this whole fall out. Land didn't say anything else as she soon sat down next to her grandmother no words were spoken between them , as Mo'at soon brought her granddaughter into a war embrace as she cried a bit as well.

I was going to make this the chapter where Jake apologizes towards lani, and they soon started rebuilding their relationship. Then I realized redemption arc for Jake and lani will be coming later in the book, as drama is needed right now and I feel like redemption right now will be to soon.

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