Chapter 4

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After yesterday incident all the kids of the metkanyia village had been order to stay in the area, of the inland they were not allowed to go anywhere else until the time being. Lani was swimming around on her IIu as much she wish to for future she couldn't. She had dived underwater with her IIu hoping to get a break from all the looks she had been getting, since she survived another attack from an Akula.

Tsyerio " there you are we have been looking for you we need to talk"

Lani " talk about what"

Tsyerio " about what happened yesterday come on everyone is waiting for us on the rock a few feet away from the village" lani had followed after Tsyerio soon arrived on the rock shore where everyone else was waiting it seemed like, they wanted to know more about what happened last night.

Lani " okay so what do you all want to talk about anyways"

Kiro " how did you do that sister I have never seen or heard of a Navi doing that"

Lani " I don't know it could of killed me but it didn't"

Neteyam " our parents and tonowari are deal with the fall out of what you had done yesterday"

Lani " ....."

Neteyam " wait I didn't mean it like that I was hoping, you have some answers to our questions we are very worried about it you in worried about you"

Lani " well then I don't have any answers for anyone, even I don't know what going on with me"

Tuk " maybe we are just like Kiri but different"

Spider " yes that must be true"

Lani " I think you are right because grandma did mention I might have a gift, but she couldn't tell me much as mom and dad came back"

Tsireyo " it rare for Navi to be blessed with specific gifts maybe the great mother, has something to do about it"

Lani " I really don't know what going on with me and I don't need anyone else finding reasons to hate me"

Rotox " no on hates you here"

Lani " I'm called the demon girl by some here and outcast by other, there a small number of people that call me by my name"the group had looked at each other and soon looked at lani, there was no way they could lie to her about it. Making any types of excuses will be wrong in the end.

Lani " forget it"

Ao'nung " there an way we can get your the answers we need"

Lani " will we get in trouble if we do this said idea, I think we are making our parents mad enough"

Ao'nung " once we are allowed to go further away from here, we can go see the underwater spirt tree and maybe you can find something out"

Lani " that sounds like a good idea"

Spider " see you have our old lani back"

Lani " I never left spider I'm just changing as I grow up"

Spider " I know but we don't want you to grow up so fast just yet"

Lani " we can't always stay kids and with the conflict with the sky people, everything changing if we like it or not"

Kiri " lani is right change is good for all of us" the group had stayed out there a while longer before, heading back to the village.

Neteyam " dad and mom hello"

Jake " hello boys we need to speak with your sister alone about something"

Tuk "yes sir" the boys soon all walked away leaving lani with their fathers, the tiro was just looking at each other not saying a word.

Lani " I'm going to feed my IIu before night fall" lani had walked over to her IIu and feed her some fish and took off the saddle as well.

Lani " good girl I will see you tomorrow go on now" the IIu soon raced away with the other IIu, soon lani was back on the docks with her fathers.

Lani " okay so are we going to talk about the tension of yesterday or no because if not I rather go home and eat dinner"

Neytiri " watch your tone young lady"

Lani " yes mother"

Jake " we need to know if you are okay that have been multiple events that have been out of your hand for far"

Lani " well I don't know dad because maybe even I'm lost as well, and don't have my answers for you"

Neytiri " ....."

Lani " look dad I'm confused right now I'm going threw life with the best advice I had been given by grandmother, and I can't ask any other female relatives because I don't have any that are alive ... you don't let me near the old sprit tree at home so what I'm supposed to do"

Neytiri " we have be doing our best we are the chefs of our clan and dealing with leave our home, because he has come back from the dead"

Lani " let me guess I'm so how to blame for us being divine out because I was out that day, when he caught me well dad I'm sorry okay I don't know how many times I have say I'm sorry to you and our family ... how many times I have to say sorry to the clan I didn't know he was there"

Neytiri " ......."

Lani " thanks mom I didn't feel worst about anything that has happened so far these days" lani soon walked passed her father not saying anything else she soon had entered the hut as her siblings and spider were acting like they were not ear dropping.

Lani " do you need help with dinner grandma"

Mo'at " yes sweetie can you get some plates and bowls for everybody"

Lani " yes ma'am" lani had went to gather some blows and plates, her father had come back into the hut but she didn't say anything to them she didn't even look at them.

Later that night

Neteyam " can I join you"

Lani " sure" Neteyam had sat by his sister he knew his sister was trying everything to make the family proud and even the clan proud as well.

Neteyam " I see you lani" some tears were feeling down her face, as neteyam had brought his sister close to him.

Lani " I just want everyone else to see me ..."

Neteyam " I know I know but I see you and all the wonderful thing you have done... I just have to learn that you don't always need my saving"

Lani " thank you big bro" The pair of siblings and stayed outside a while longer before being called inside for bed, while she was sleeping lani and heard someone calling her name but when she opened her eyes she saw nothing. Many things were running through her head as she wanted answers.

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