Moat and Norm

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Well, we have officially reached this part of the book where we will be addressing two of the book's characters, and that will be moat and norm. After seeing them in a couple of chapters so far and having time to address everyone else, now it is time to address the moat and norm.


Moat hates how her granddaughter has been treated by her parents and everyone else so far it breaks her heart to see what has been going on for lani. She knows that lani has been doing everything to be the perfect daughter for her family and clan, but it goes unnoticed by everyone so far. She mostly dislikes how the reef and ocean navi have been speaking about lani seeing as it is wrong and disrespecting the child and Great Mother as well. Over time she started losing the trust of her daughter and son-in-law, as they have failed time to time again to be there for lani and stand up for her. She will fully support any future relationship lani chooses for herself and will make sure, Jake and Neytiri don't do anything to ruin it for lani. She has a deep feeling that lani will do great things in time to come and when everyone finally sees her it might be too late.


Norm also hates how lani has been treated by the navi as she is not the same as everyone else around her, he is not the only human that thinks the same as well. All the other humans in the clan have seen it and don't like it at all thinking it is wrong how lani is been treated by everyone and seen as a bad child. Norm really has a bone to pick with Jake about his parenting and his relationship with lani, there have been times when he wishes to scold Jake in private or public. He knows if Jake and Neytiri don't clean up their act they will be losing lani for good and there, might be no apology to fix a broken family relationship. Whatever decision lani picks for herself in the future norm the humans will support her along with keeping anyone else from trying to stand in her way.

The scientists and doctors

Max along with the other humans who make up the scientist or doctors any other human that joined them. Are that the biggest fan of Jake anymore after seeing how he been with lani over the years. Most of them had that type of relationship growing up and wouldn't wish that on child to be treated as less favorite by everyone around them. They have noticed that same as moat and norm is that lani is growing up, and she will soon no longer wish to keep up a relationship with her family or the clan anymore. For the sake of herself and maybe everyone else and none od them could blame her as they had done the same on earth. They all knew of Grace and Trudy were here they wouldn't allow this to happen and rip Jake a good one for his behavior and actions.

Who should scold Jake and others



I can surprises you all when that chapters comes out this month or next month

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