Chapter 15

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The village was quite or somewhat calm for the day, Jake and tonowair were having another meeting with kxeee father. Jake had many questions running threw his head about kxee relationship with his only daughter, why was this boy getting so close to his daughter and what was this boy true intentions. Jake was fine with tsyerio being close with lani but didn't know of kxee that much yet.

Jake " olo'eyuthan Ion I have spoke with some of my human friends, and they wish to help out as well"

Ion " I will have to speak to my mother and the council about that, there is still some mistrust between us and the humans"

Jake " yes I will respect your decision"

Ion " thank you"

Tonowari " your son kxee seems to be getting along with the children of the group well"

Ion " yes he really likes lani he said she was very kind with him during their tour, and help him understand some stuff as well"

Jake " it seems like my daughter has done a good job"

Ion " yes my clan think's highly of the girl, she it gifted child and a child of ewya as well even due she might not look like the rest"

Jake " yes"

Tonowari " with this peace between our three clans and more it will help us get rid of these, demons for good and keep our homes and people safe"

Ion " yes but there might be other stuff to help us keep this peace even stronger"

Jake "what do you mean"

Ion " friendships....  it seems like all the kids are getting along well, and might not to want to see their other friends clan in danger"

Jake " yes you are ...." Soon a horn has been blown getting everyone attention and see the sound of feet running.

Tsutey " the children have returned but it doesn't seem good"

Tonowair " what has that child done now" everyone knew who tonowair was talking about, soon the leaders and their warriors made their way towards the pier. Right now all the blame seem to be on lani shoulder and this made ion how dare two adults blame a child for something way out of their control.

??? " give her some breathing room"the voice that sound so familiar had gotten the three adults attentions as they made their way, towards where all the communication was taking place.

??? " hey get back all of you"

??? " someone get the tshaik we will need their help" soon Jake made his way to the front to see his eldest son, carrying and unconscious lani in his arms. Neteyam was holding his his sister try to see what was the matter with his sister, and way she haven't woken up yet.

Jake " lani" Jake soon ran toward his daughter seeing she was not moving but still breathing, he had become worried seeing her unconscious like that many things were running through his head.

Moat " what has happened"

Kiri " we don't know she was not awaking up when we brought her back up to the surface"

Uru " bring her now we can help her"

Neteyam " yes ma'am" neteyam followed after the two tshaik as the arrived at the sully home spider had cleared and area, as Tuk and Kiri and looked for lani mat found it and rolled it out. The three metkayain teens had raced off to get ronal and neytiri right away.

???? " lani" soon neytiri came dashing into the room with a panic look on her face she soon looked at her family as everyone stood away from lani.

Ronal " What has happen the child"

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