Chapter 34

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When everyone else seemed to be facing the consequences of their past and present actions, some were able to find peace during this day. Not everyone should be having a bad day when they were the ones who hadn't done anything wrong in the beginning. The young pair had left the villager unaware of what would unfold at home.

Lani " Becareful kxee I don't wish to explain to huh our father and grandmother, why you come home with scraps on you if you miss your mark"

Kxee " I understand ma lani I will not worry anyone now watch my moves" kxee soon ran off the cliff and did some flips before he landed in feb water. Lani was sitting on payakan as her and some tulkuns watch the boy.

Lani " oh nice moves there I love it"

Kxee " thank you I do my best I had to practice" lani soon laugh as kxee had swimmer closer to her soon grabbing onto lani knees once he had reached her.

Kxee " it good to be out here verse being stuck at home right now after all the tension in the area"

Lani " yes it seems like everyone has become shock that I have started fighting back"

Kxee " well they had to coming I don't know why they thought you will stay silent for any longer, and may I say I have to congratulate you on telling off those warriors"

Lani " thank you"

Kxee " it seems like your father was going to chase me away when he caught us together early at the village"

Lani " don't worry about Jake he a hypocrite right now always saying we need to follow clan rules and order, but that man broke all the rules when it came to be with neytiri"

Kxee " oh yes I have heard about the tales"

Lani " we have to thank you father as he came to our rescue at the moment"

Kxee " oh yes thank eywa for him to coming to save us he still doesn't like your father and might never like him"

Lani " well we will have to live with that don't we"

Kxee " yes we do" kxee had grabbed lani hand and soon pulled her into the water making lani laugh as the two, were back at the surface.

Lani " you know it makes me hard to believe you are young warrior like my brother when you act like a child at times"

Kxee " even the mightiest warrior need to have fun"

Payakan " he is definitely one of the perfect for you sister"

Lani " what do you mean by one of the perfect ones"

Payakan " nothing to worry about sister he is just perfect for you he one of pair that will be perfect for you" lani had thought about payakan words as she soon started playing around with kxee having a good time with him, she is so happy to be with him and mot stuck at the village dealing with everyone who caused her pain. The pair had set out on water a bit longer until they finally decided to head, back to the village knowing if they arrived home later then they should it will be bad news for them all.

Lani " well we are back home"

Kxee " yes we are it very late I can walk you home if you wish"

Lani " sure thank you kxee" kxee had nodded his head as the pair had started walking towards moat home, they soon reached there.

????? " there you are baby sister"

Lani " neteyam"

Neteyam " we are all spending the night at grandmas I was going to come looking for you maybe with the aid of the others"

Kxee " no need to worry neteyam I have brought your sister home for safety"

Neteyam " thank you kxee"

Kxee " your welcome goodnight" kxee had nodded his head and soon walked away from the pair of siblings, lani had soon looked at her brother.

Lani " it good to have you here along with our sisters"

Neteyam " we miss you now come inside there is much that needs to be talked about" lani had nodded her head as she soon followed her brother into the home, to smell a wonderful stew being cooked and her sister talking with grandmother.

Kiri " sister welcome home"

Lani " hello my sisters and grandmother"

Tuk " did you really go on a private date with kxee"

Lani " where did you hear that from"

Tuk " aonung had made that joke and said tsireyo needs to step up his game what does that mean"

Neteyam " that fools don't pay attention to him tuk tuk"

Tuk " okay grandma"

Moat " yes my dear"

Tuk " why were mommy and daddy so mad when we saw them early today, they were not very happy"

Moat " it because the had been told something they really didn't like so much, little one and they most deal with it honey"

Tuk " oh okay"

Kiri " so how was your day with kxee"

Neteyam " oh yes tell us we will love to hear so much about, your day with kxee baby sister"

Lani " I sense you sarcasm big brother but I will still tell you about my day" lani had told them about her day, and they soon told her about their days as. The day seem to end perfectly for them and everyone else, expect the other half but they was accepted for what had unfolded today.

Lani " so you and norm along with others had smacked some sense into all of them"

Moat " yes I could no longer hold my tongue and spoke my mind"

Lani " thank you for standing up for me I will make sure to thank uncle norm, and everyone else as well"

Moat " that good to hear my dear so how are you going to deal with them"

Lani " leaving them be to think about the words they had been told,and see what happens nexts"

Moat " that is a good move my granddaughter I'm proud of you"

Lani " thank you"

Moat " well I'm heading inside are you coming"

Lani " I will be there soon grandmother"moat had nodded her head and soon left lani, alone as she soon sat on the pier out for the home. Placing her legs into the water, as the fish came once again to her swimming around her leg. Lani hummed a song in her head, the same song that crystal had sang to her. She was thinking about the others as well, they had been told of truth but will the face it or run away like cowards. Lani was facing her truth and she was not giving up yet, that was not like at all. She had soon went to bed knowing tomorrow will bring drama from today, but she was ready for the fight.

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