It was the next day after the whole events of yesterday and lani was not speaking that much with her fathers, or any of the other adults. She was keeping her distance as well stay away from any from Tsyerio, Ao'nung, and Rotxo parents after the incident. She was sitting on a rock minding her own business she had yet to go see her brothers or friend since yesterday. She knew she had to go see them sooner or later and couldn't keep hiding like a coward.
Lani " oh come on I'm not a scared little kid just go over there and see them" lani was making her way over to healer but hopping they were still there, and that ronal was not there as well.
Mo'at " there you are my granddaughter I need to have some words with you"
Lani " sure grandmother"
Lani " yes grandmother you wanted to speak with me"
Mo'at " your necklace my child who gave it to you"
Lani " well I meet a boy when I was out aline that night I had meet him previously as well, he brought me to the camp when I was hurt him and his tribe helped me"
Mo'at " what this boys name my dear granddaughter"
Lani " his name is kxee his grandmother knows you her name is Uua"
Mo'at " oh yes Uua were training tshailk together when we were younger, so why did kxee give you that necklace"
Lani " he said it was a gift and symbolize the bond between me and him"
Mo'at " oh so you have a young man courting you"
Lani " we are not courting grandmother we are just friends"
Mo'at " sure what about you and Tonowari youngest son tsyerio where dose he lay in your heart"
Lani " I don't know grandmother I do have feelings for him but we will never work out"
Mo'at " if he and everyone else can't see the greatest like kxee and his tribe have then they are the fools, I think you have your feelings under control and might of found where your true hearts belongs"
Lani " I hope so grandmother I hope so"
Lani " but grandmother there something else about him he looks like ocean navi, but I think he from somewhere else as well ... he taller then the rest of male navi his age and seems to be stronger as well ... his tribe all seem different even his father now o think of it didn't look like ocean navi or froest navi"
Mo'at " all will come to answers in time and maybe if you get to know him more, you can see his world as well"
Lani " i hope so he seems very nice " mo'at smiled at her granddaughter as she knew the boy was someone special for lani, as he introduced her to another type of navi she had seen both and showing more of her future as well.
Mo'at " now go see those boys before one of them makes an escape to come see you ... they are worried for you"
Lani " I will grandmother see you later" lani soon got up and walked towards the healer hut when she caught the guys standing outside, they soon saw her and made their way to her.
Lani " you all shouldn't be standing up after what happened"
Kiri " we are good sister we came looking for you, we had become worried when you came back home hurt and our parents were not telling us anything"
Lani " well you see ...."
Spider " why don't we talk on the beach or the usual spot it better then standing here"
Lani " sure lets go" the gang was walking until they ran into the adults the boys could tell there was some tension between the adults and lani.
Jake " hey lani I have been looking for you it seems like you been everywhere but home"
Neteyam " what do you mean she was at home rest that day right"
Neytiri " well you see there was another ...."
Tsu'tey " something had come up at the moment..."
Lani " it not important okay can we let it go"
Jake " watch you tone young lady"
Kiri " dad"
Lani " you know I'm going for a swim I want to be alone with my thoughts and feelings right now I will be home before dark"
Spider " lets us come as well'
Lani " I think it best I nearly killed you all last time we did something... we can talk later" lani had called her IIu and soon dived into the water and in blinks of an eye she was gone, leaving the adults getting looks from their kids who wanted answers now. While the adults stood there know what they were about to say will either make or break their relationship with the sons, while the relationship with the girl was hanging by a thread.
Lani " ........." lani was sitting on a rock minding her own business while her feet and legs were dipped into the water, as she was moving them around it made her smile. Lani had closed her eyes for short second and soon she felt like someone was sitting next to her.
Lani " slywannie"
Slywannie " hello my little niece I'm happy to see you"
Lani " what are you doing here I'm not near the spirt tree"
Slywannie " I have come because the great mother has allowed me to come see you, I can feel you are saddened"
Lani " yes I'm almost got my brothers and friends killed, and I'm keep on bringing shame to my family"
Slywannie " you have done nothing wrong my child you are a still learning and growing up, you fathers had made worst mistakes then you ... it seems like they have forgotten those moments"
Lani " yes but it seems like I can't do anything right in their eyes I'm always doing some wrong and getting them mad"
Slywannie " what happened that day was not your fault little one you did nothing wrong, but you saved their lives right away"
Lani " thank you aunt slywannie"
Slywannie " you are going to do great my child juts wait and see, you will bring hope to the whole family I just know it ... I most go now but remember you are navi no matter what anyone says ..... you are blessed child of eywa"slywannie soon pulled lani knot and hugged and kissed her forehead.
lani " thank you aunt slywannie"
Slywannie " you will always have someone looking out for you" soon slywannie was gone leaving lani alone once again, as she sat there hoping to see her aunt another time. She soon had to get back home as the sun was setting she soon entered the mauri pod to complete silence.
Neteyam " your back home we were going to come looking for you"
Lani " I'm good everyone no need to worry at all"
Kiri " hey when did you get that necklace it look amazing and special"
Lani " oh I was a gift from a friend"
Spider " oh a girl it good you have some females friends"
Neteyam " is it a boy who a friend little sister"
Lani " someone I had meet here who has become someone supportive and special to me"
Jake " may we know of this friend name"
Mo'at " that is lani business if she wishes do bring her friend her she can and if she wishes not then that her business"
Neytiri " yes mother come on let's eat dinner" everyone sat down and ate dinner lani was getting some looks from her fathers, when it comes to her necklace they thought something was off about the whole jewelry thing. Lani didn't wear necklaces that much, until now they were thinking it was from Tsyerio but she was keeping it under raps. As her parents could see there something between her and Tsyerio blooming, but they were nervous about losing their daughter when she finally found her mate. She did find her mate but it was more then one male navi that will come into her life.

FanfictionAll her life lani had been told she had brought shame to her family, she was not like either of her father jake or neytiro. She was more human like and she always been to be having a hard time fitting in. Her older bothers seem to be doing a better...