Chapter 19

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Lani would lie to herself and anyone who listens if she said she didn't miss Kxee already, even if he just left yesterday. She missed him so much. She knew he had to go home to his people and family as they needed him there, and she would see him again when the time came. She will need to wait and be patient. So she had found something to keep herself busy and not worry about everything happening here. She was going to see payakan and his pod. Maybe it will be good for her. She had woken up early before anyone else as she knew if anyone saw her, she would not be left alone after the incident. Since that day, some navi and humans started treating her differently.

??? " where are you going?"

Lani "Ahh tsireyo hello, what are you doing up already?"

Tsireyo: " I came to see you and your siblings but maybe mainly you, but you haven't answered my question yet where are you going?"

Lani "Well to see payakan and his pod"

Tsireyo "Wait he has a pod when did this happen? I thought he was an outcast."

Lani: "Well I helped him meet a new pod, and they accepted him."

Tsireyo: "Can I come with you? It will be fun" lani looked at Tsireyo. He seemed so excited about the whole situation as he wished to go with her, lani was thinking about giving him answer as she knew if this didn't go well. Then she will be in more considerable trouble with Ronal, and the women didn't already like her, and she didn't need anything else to the list of why she didn't like lani.

Lani "Ummm..."

Tuk "Can I come as well?" the duo soon looked and saw Tuk standing there. It seemed like the duo convention had been caught, and there was no lying anymore. She had been hiding listening to the conversation when she heard of the plans to have some fun away from home today and with payakan as well.

Tuk: "Sorry to be ear-dropping, but it seems you two were having a good conversation, so mind letting us come as well."

Tsireyo: " Who is this us?"

Neteyam " she talking about us right now ... sorry we were going to take her away"

Tuk " no you wanted to know as well teyam you said Tsireyo better make a move before kxee comes back ..." neteyam soon covered Tuk mouth and smiled at the pair as they stood there looking at each other.

Neteyam " haha little kids always saying stuff that so random"

Tuk " no but it true you along with Kiri and spider were saying kxee was a ...."

Spider " hush Tuk don't pay attention to her hey why don't we get going everyone or do we wish for our parents to find out"

Lani " no"

Neteyam: "Then let us come it will be good and we wish to become friends with Payakan Pod."

Lani: "Fine you all can come but I don't want any harm to come to you after the last time, and if anything happens, I will never forgive myself."

Aonung "Nothing bad will happen, and we are more worried about you now these days after you incidents, it will be best if you have someone with you until you all feel better and can be trusted to be alone ... oww" aonung had been elbowed by Rotxo it seems like he was trying to get aonung from saying something stupid.

Rotxo " what he means is that we really care about you and don't want anything else bad happening to you anymore"

Lani " okay you all can come with me but please be easy on this pod they are still getting use to other navi, as they don't have the best history with others"

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