Chapter 8

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It was a day after the whole storm and lani was still thinking about the mysterious guy she had meet, she wanted to know if she could trust him or not. Now she was even more confused on what the great mother wanted from her, because it seemed like eywa was sending her everything without that much of explanation. She now had some connection with the creatures here, the mysterious crystals, and now is strange boy who showed up out of nowhere. She was rolling up her mat when someone came running into the mauri getting her attention.

Neteyam " hey lani we are going to the spirt tree want to come"

Lani " sure I will love to come"

Kiri " Rotxo, Ao'nung, and Tsyerio are going to show us the way there, and maybe if we are lucky we can connect to the tree"

Lani " i will love to do that and maybe we can see old faces we don't see anymore or relive old memories"

Neteyam " it will be okay sister nothing bad will happen"

Tuk " now come on let's get going"

Spider " now come on the others are waiting we don't want to hold them up"The kids had called their IIus and soon took off to the spirt tree as they need to be home before the eclipse or night fall, seeing the sprit tree was something wonderful and lani was enjoying everything that she had seen and touched. Tsyerio soon waved to everyone as they followed him closer towards the tree and soon everyone had attached their queue to the tree and closed their eyes. allowing themselves to be taken back to old memories or to see old loved ones.

Lani " grandfather"

Eyuthan Hello my dear granddaughter"

Eytuthan " my dear child you have grown since the last time I saw you, and become your own Navi"

Lani "i wish everyone else saw it like that to everyone else I'm a failure, I can't be seen as my father or mother daughter ... and I'm also compared to my siblings over and over again"

Eyuthan " no my child you have done nothing wrong you are true na'vi like your fathers and brothers"

Lani " so tell me what wrong with me what dose the great mother wish for me"

Eyuthan " the great mother had many plans for you my child and these plans will be perfect for you"

Lani " thank you grandfather"

Eyuthan " I know you are feeling like an outcasted but you are still special no matter what anyone else says my child, and I know you will do great things in the future"

Lani " thank you grandfather"

Lani " grandfather what the matter" something was off and lani could feel in in her heart as she looked at her grandfather who was worried as well.

Eyuthan " there danger coming your siblings and friends are in danger, you need to save them go now save them from a dangerous faith"

Lani " I will"

Eyuthan " now go save them and I will see you again" lani nodded her head and smile at her grandfather as she snapped out form her dream. She soon opened to see her brothers and others were in trouble. When she shared neteyam he didn't respond to her so she had disconnected his qeue from the tree, and had swam to the resurface that when payakan showed up.

Lani " payakan I need you help my siblings and friends are stuck down there, I need some of you pod member help to get them home"

Payakan " anything for you lani" soon lani had dived underwater disconnected everyone and placing them onto the back on tulkun who were behind here, kiro was the last one to be removed as she swam up the surface with him. She soon got everyone on payakan back and started to see if they were okay, she didn't know what had gone wrong with them everyone was fine when she last saw them.

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