Chapter 9

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Lani had opened her eyes to see she was in some type of hut she didn't know how she had gotten her, she had closed her eyes not to long ago and now she was in some healer hut. Lani could tell it was still night type by looking threw a small hole, and the fire being the light in the hut. She could see that her arms and legs were bandage up well and she was wondering who had done this for her, most import who tribe was she in anyways. She had removed she had left home after the incident with her brothers and their friends, now more questions were running threw her head.

????? " you shouldn't be moving that much princess"

Lani " ahh wait it you again"

???? " so you do remember me that good I thought you had forgotten me already beautiful"

Lani " well it hard to forget news race meeting during eventful times, so who are you now that we ran into each other more then once"

???? " that name is Kxee I and my warrior friends found you in the cave ... why are you out here so far alone"

Lani " something bad happened at home so I left for the time being"

Kxee " all alone didn't someone come with you"

Lani " no so where is everyone else"

Kxee " in their tents we are here on some business of my father and grandmother, you can say we are on a quest

Lani " oh"

Kxee " I brought you to my tent we have a young warrior healer with us so he fixed you up, you were badly hurt"

Lani " thank for the help"

Kxee " so why do you cry you eyes are red and it seemed like you were crying when we found you"

Lani " family problems"

Kxee " I have all night so tell me what made you cry" lani had taken a deep breath and soon told kxee the whole story of what had happen to her early the day, even he had gotten mad on how she was treated.

Kxee " your family sounds like the worst your father blames you for something, that was out of your powers and the other adults as well"

Lani " all families have issues but my fathers issues seem to me because, I'm not like my older brothers even my own clan treated me horrible at times"

Kxee " you will always be better then them you have a faith that none of them can compare to not, even tokru Makto himself"

Lani " thanks for that ... so what of of the rest of your tribe"

Kxee " that my secret beautiful "

Lani " oh"

Kxee " we have been making some peace with the other tribes around here to help fight the humans"

Lani " yes some of the humans are greedy but not all of them are greedy and are good"

Kxee " well I'm taking your word on that lani"

Kxee " we  should get more sleep lani you are still healing"

Lani " sure" lani had closed her eyes and fallen asleep when sun iight had risen lani and see an older looking ocean na'vi looking down at her making lani shocked a bit.

Lani " hello"

???? " hello dearie you most be lani one of the blessed child of the great mother"

Lani " how do you know that miss"

???? " that name is Uua my grandson and his friends have said that meet you before, and now found you in a cave alone"

Lani " oh okay but how else do you know of me"

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