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Y/N Pov

"What were you doing!"

"Am I not a loud to live my life!" 

"It's your fault you adopted a child! You can't be spending that much money!" Woken up by my parents arguing. Again. I got out of bed as I went to my bathroom. We lived in a tiny, dingy apartment that my parents could barely afford. So I had to get a job to 'support' my family. But I've recently been taking vacation time to study and relax a little more, but in reality my mom just takes the money and spends it on shit we don't need while my dad goes out and... you know. And they're still together... because they can just blame it on me... I'm used to it by this point. I brushed my teeth and washed my face as I changed into my F/C (your color of choice) hoodie and some jeans as I grabbed my backpack and opened my window and climbed down the fire escape. I don't want to deal with my adoptive parents down stairs. With my luck they'll end up taking their anger out on me. I walked down the alley way our apartment was in as I walked down the street. It was a Wednesday. A school day. 

"Hey! Y/N!" I heard someone yell from behind me as I sighed, but I smiled slightly anyway.

"Miles, what do you want?" I asked as I saw him running up to me.

"Wanna go to school together?"

"Fine." I said as we started walking down the street. I've knew Miles since we were kids. We were friends before I was adopted by my jackass adoptive parents. 

"How are things at home?"

"They're like always. You?"

"Things are going fine. My parents want me to take that test to go into visions academy." Miles said as I chuckled. 

"I think I might take the test. It would be nice to get away from home next school year."

"Then, we should go together."

"Sure." Me and Miles kept talking as we passed by a lot of people we knew. Once we arrived at school, we parted ways as I walked to my first period. It was english as I sat down and took out a pencil from my backpack. It was going to be a long... long day.

Time Skip ----- End of the Day

Finally, classes are out. I walked down the halls as Miles came next to me.

"How was the math test?"

"Not that hard." I said as Miles sighed.

"You don't find anything hard, do you?"

"Miles, I find things hard just not school stuff." I said as we walked down the crowded halls.

"Hey, wanna come over to my house? My parents aren't home but they'd be fine with you coming over.

"Sure." I said as we walked outside the school and down the streets. 

"Did you hear about that dimension thing in the news? People say it can actually transport things in between dimensions, but no ones tested it yet. People say there's one in New York." Miles said as I nodded.

"Yeah. I think I heard of it. Sounds interesting." I said as we kept walking, arriving at Miles house as he opened the door with his key. We walked inside as we went to the living room. 

"I bet I'll destroy you this time Y/N. It's been a long time since we've played and, I've been practicing." Miles said as he sat down on the couch, turning on his gaming console.

"Sure you will Miles. Like you have a chance." I said sarcastically as he laughed. I sat down on the ground and picked up the controller as we started playing the game. It was a fighting game.

It had been a couple of hours and Miles had only managed to get three wins while I got all the rest. About thirty two wins.

"Miles. I'm back. Oh, and Y/N. It's been a while since I've seen you, how have you been?" Miles's mom, Rio walked in through the front door as I turned to her and smiled.

"I've been good. Not the best but not the worst." I said as she laughed.

"Like you always are." She said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Are you going to stay for dinner? I don't wanna worry your parents if you have to get back at a certain time." Mrs.Morales said as I shook my head.

"If it's okay, I'd like to stay for dinner. You know how my adoptive parents are." I said as she hummed, with a sadder tone in her voice.

"Okay, I'll make a little more food then." She said as both me and Miles continued to play games. Eventually Miles dad got back as he also finished his job. 

"Oh, Y/N, you're here." 

"Hi." I said as he dad chuckled. 

"Same old Y/N. How are things at home?" 

"They're going good." I said. Only Miles, and his mom knew about my situation at home. If Miles's dad, Jeff who was a cop found out, they would get arrested and... even though they treat me like shit, it's easier to have a place to go to after a long day other than an orphanage. 

"Dinner's ready!" Mrs.Morales yelled through the kitchen as we all sat down at the table as she set down the plates of spaghetti. We all started eating as we made small talk.

"So Y/N, are you going to do the entrance exam for visions academy? Miles was going to do it and we think it would be better for him to have a friend who is also going to the school." Mr.Morales said as I thought about it. Should I take the entrance exam? Well it would be nice. I don't know.

"I don't know. I was thinking about it but I'm not completely sure." I said as Mr.Morales nodded. 

Time Skip

After I had dinner at the Morales's, we said our goodbyes as I walked through the streets of New York. While I was walking down the street I was looking at the night sky as... no stars were visible. Like normal. As I was looking at the sky I saw a bright light come from the top of a skyscraper. It hurt my eyes as I looked away but, I couldn't stop myself from looking again. The light was so colorful... what's happening? Well, it's none of my business. I should get back home. I just have to go on with my life. 

??? Pov

I brought the spider to the back room with the rest of the things as I marked it with the number 65. I placed it in a bin and closed it. It was getting late now. I wonder... what happens if that spider bites someone? I should experiment a little bit with it... it could be very powerful... asset.


Hello my people. First chapter and it might be confusing. This is not on earth 1610, or the earth where into the spiderverse takes place. This is the origin story of the main character. I'll get into the spiderverse stories later. This is my second book so I have more experience. For new people hi! You can read my other book if you want, its aot and people who came from that book, hi! Idk what I'm doing still. Ok bye.

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