First Mission

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Y/N Pov

I walked out of my room in my suit as I walked past some Spider people. There were apartment buildings for Spider people who had to stay the night or didn't want to go back to their dimension. I had already been here for a couple of days but I haven't gone on any missions. Me and Gwen shared a room but we were rarely in the room together, but today was my first mission. 

"Hey Y/N." Gwen greeted me as I waved at her. 

"You ready?" She asked me as I nodded. We walked out of the building as we walked into another room named the 'mission room'. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as she nodded.

"We're going to go meet up with Hobie and another Peter called Iron Spider in our mission universe. It was reported that an anomaly was detected." Gwen said as I nodded. More new people I get to meet. Nice. Gwen opened a portal to the universe 90214. We walked through the portal as we fell into a... black and white? I know who this universe Spider-man is. Noir. He's part of the spider society, but I wonder if he's here in his universe. We jumped down into the streets as we walked, we avoided as many people as possible. Suddenly a bright yellow stream zipped by that was followed by three Spider men. This is my first time seeing a Spider-man fight do something from a civilian point of view. This is kind of weird, but it's kind of cool. We quickly jumped up and started following them as we swung after what seemed to be a yellow flash.

"Hey Gwendy." Hobie said as Gwen flipped next to him. 

"Who are we hunting?" I asked as I swung next to Hobie.

"Some nut cracker named Electro." Noir said as we flipped around.

"Did somebody say my name?" A voice came from behind us as a man made of electricity appeared.

"Did somebody say my name?" A voice came from behind us as a man made of electricity appeared

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His yellow lightning contrasted everything.

"What desolate place have you brought me to Spider... people?" He asked as we stood on a roof as he looked at us.

"Look buckaroo, I've fought some tough biscuits, and you're no different. We just gotta send ya home." Noir said as Electro shot bolts of electricity at us as we all dodged away. Noir was the first to rush him as he zipped up to him and tried to punch him, only for him to get shocked. Iron Spider pulled out four arms from his back as Electro shot bolts at him, which he absorbed into his arms and suit. I super jumped up at him as he shot bolts at me, I dodged around as I shot a web at him, only for it to be shocked and burnt. 

"How do we do damage to him if we can't get close?" Gwen asked as we all watched him as he conjured more electricity. He shot even more electricity as we all ran and dodged around as he continuously shot more at us.  

"Go for it when I absorb his attack!" Iron Spider yelled at us as we all nodded. He turned around quickly as he blocked the lightning with his arms, absorbing it as the rest of us rushed at him. Electro couldn't stop shooting at Iron Spider as he kept absorbing more as Electro turned from full electricity to more human as Hobie kicked him, followed by Noir punching him, then Gwen flip kicking him, then me slicing him. He fell out of the sky as Iron Spider wrapped him in webs and hung him on a light post.

"That was easier than I thought it would be." I said as we looked down at Electro.

"Don't jinx-" Gwen was about to say as Electro exploded as he turned back into electricity by absorbing nearby electrical towers.

"You jinxed it." Gwen said as I sighed.

"Yeah. I did." I said as the others all jumped down other than me and Gwen.

"It's nice doing this with others." I said as me and Gwen watched the others fight Electro.

"Yeah. The only people who can understand you, right?" She said as I nodded.

"Yeah. We're strong alone, but stronger together." I said as Gwen nodded.

"We should go help." Gwen said as we both jumped down to join the fight. Electro was purposely trying to avoid zapping Iron Spider who had his arms up and ready. But still, the more he attacked the more he became more physical and not like electricity. I dodged around as the others did as well, Iron Spider trying to catch one of his attacks. After a while, we were finally able to web him. Hobie shot a web at his face as he took a while to get it off. Meanwhile, we all rushed at him but we still couldn't get close to him because he was still shooting out bolts randomly. Once he got the webbing off he started shooting bolts again and making sure he wasn't hit by webbing. He was smarter than I gave him credit for. Electro had hit a water tower as Gwen was going to be hit and didn't have time to react. 

"Gwen!" I yelled as I tackled her out of the way, getting my right leg hit in the process. While me and Gwen were in the air, Electro shot a bolt at us both as I basically threw Gwen as I was struck. 

"Y/N!" Gwen yelled this time as she caught me with a web and pulled me towards her. I quickly recovered from the strike.

"Thanks, Gwen." I said as I shot out my own web.

"You're right Hobie. Those two are infatuated with each other." Iron Spider said as he swung by.

"Hobie, why did you tell him that? We haven't even met."

"What? I gotta tell our teammate about the two people joining us bruv." Hobie said as we swung towards Electro who seemed to be getting tired. He slowed down on shooting bolts at us as he was mainly running away. 

"How do we capture him?" I asked we swung after him.

"We need to sap him off the rest of his electricity before we can capture him. I can use my arms, I just need to get close enough." Iron Spider said as we all nodded. Simple enough but Electro was faster than us. 

"Iron Spider, come here. I'll launch you." I said as he nodded. I placed my feet on his back as I super jumped, launching him forward and me backwards as Iron Spider launched forward, using his arms to sap the energy of the electricity from Electro as he eventually fell down, Noir catching him with a web. Hobie then swung over and threw another web ball at him as he was captured in the red web cage. 

"Alright, cannon's in check." Lola chimed through the watch. Gwen explained to me what the cannon was. It was basically fate, for everyone. What everyone had to go through in every universe. I don't know what my cannon events are though. Nobody told me. 

"You guys bring him back. I have some stuff to deal with." Noir said as we all stood around. We opened a portal back to Nueva York, in universe 928 as we dragged Electro back through the portal. We landed back in the mission room as we drabbed Electro to the anomaly section where he was put into a cage. 

"First mission, success." I said as Gwen chuckled.

"Yeah. You did good." Gwen said.

"No. We did good. As a team." I said as Gwen chuckled again. 

"You're amazing."

"Not as amazing as you." I said. I could tell Gwen was flustered as she looked away from me embarrassed. 

"Come on you two. Let's go get some brunch." Hobie said as he wrapped his arms around our shoulders, guiding us to the cafeteria. I still have the same feelings I did for my Gwen. Fuck.

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