Small Break

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Y/N Pov

I woke up still tired as hell from the last fight. I had patched up all my injuries already. I slowly got up as I looked around my dirty room. I haven't cleaned it in a while. Might as well get to it. 


I had finished cleaning my room as I went to work, a little late but nobody really cares. I walked in in my uniform already as I greeted MJ. 

"Mr. Moon is asking for you." MJ told me as I nodded. I walked to the back room, dropping off my backpack as I walked into the manager's office, or Mr. Moon's office. He had recently been promoted to manager. I walked into his office as he was sitting in front of his shitty computer, a young girl was in the corner, reading, and was also in uniform. I've never seen her before.

"Hey Y/N." He greeted me quickly as I sat down in front of him.

"What did you need Mr. Moon?" I asked as he finally looked up at me.

"I want you to meet my daughter, Cindy." Mr. Moon said as the girl looked up at me, smiling and waving slightly. I just waved back.

"Now, I know you're not of age. I know you're fifteen and its not hard to figure out."

"Wait, Mr. Mon I can exp-"

"There's no need for an explanation. But, for you to keep this job, I need you to train my daughter. She's also not of age, she's fourteen. But I want her to learn how to work and become more responsible. If you don't, I'll have to fire you." Mr. Moon explained to me.

"Okay." I replied reluctantly. This deal is kind of bad for him. He can get anybody else to train her, but he chose me. That's fine. Cindy followed me as we walked out of the office.

"So, I heard of you Y/N." Cindy said as she tried to make small talk. 

"I never knew Mr. Moon had a daughter." I said as we walked to the front desk. 

"Yeah. My mom died in green goblin bombing. After that, he became very distant." Cindy explained. Her mom died in the green goblin bombing? So it's my fault. Shit. 

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said as she nodded.

"It's fine." After that I explained to her how to use the cash register, then how to find tables. I then taught her how to best serve customers, or at least how I do it and then how to carry platters, which was very important. Apparently she had learned how to cook from her mother, so she could already work in the kitchen but her dad didn't want her to work in the kitchen yet. 

"Hey, what's this?" Cindy asked as she took a folded piece of paper from my backpack. It was the picture me, Gwen, and Miles took on that train. I have two of them, one I keep at home, framed and another I keep on me. Either in my pocket or in my pockets.

"That's a picture of... my friends." I said as she nodded.

"The guy, Miles died in the green goblin bombing, and the girl, Gwen... died in the Lizard attack."

"The one from two days ago?" She asked as I nodded.

"Oh. Sorry it must be hard for you." She said as I just nodded along.

"I also heard from Mr. Moon that your parents were dead as well." She added as I nodded again. 

"Yeah. It's fine." I responded to her as she nodded. 

"What's this?" She asked after a while as she pulled out my extra web fluid. I kept it in a bottle.

"It's just my water." I said as I took it and put it back into my bag.

"Could you not dig through my bag?" I asked as she nodded.

"Sorry, sorry." She said.

"It's fine." There was another pause until she started talking again.

"What's that?" She asked as she pointed at my wrist. Wait. What did she see? 

"That wrist thing." She added. Fuck. She saw my web shooter.

"It's just a... a... wristband from my old friend, Miles." I said as she nodded. She really doesn't question it anymore then that. She's like a little girl. She's already like a little sister to me, although we've only known each other for like two hours. She was kind of nice to be around. This break has been nice. Even though it's still my normal job, it's nice to talk to another person my age. But I can't tell her about my secret identity. But it's still nice to talk to someone.


I was studying for my honors physics exam that I would have in fifteen minutes. Yes. I procrastinate. I wonder why. After a little bit of time, I got into class as we started the exam immediately. After I finished, I left class early.

"Fuck. I did so bad. I didn't study for microelectronics or optics. I'm so stupid." I said as I rubbed my face. My phone suddenly buzzed as I opened it. I had recently downloaded an app to follow police radios, and it had just started going off. 

"Target has been spotted. Target designated 'Venom' has been spotted breaking into the Raft prison. Many high value targets are there. Make sure you capture him, and end his rampage. And if Spider-man arrives. Make sure to capture him too." A familiar voice rang through the radio. Mr. Morales. He was promoted to captain right? I still haven't apologized to him yet for when I had an outburst. I hadn't gone out to be Spider-man in two days, because I trusted the police to handle it, but I'm not sure. I need to get back into the game. I stripped down into my suit as I jumped out the window, putting on my mask. I started to swing towards Raft, a prison for high value prisoners and criminals. It was where Green Goblin and Lizard had been transferred. I zipped up and onto a building as the moon illuminated the Raft. Police helicopters were surrounding the area.

"So you're here Eddie. I'll save you. If you like it or not."


Hey guys. I decided to write a shorter chapter, and since the past few chapters have just been action, I wanted to pause for a tiny bit before we get to a big fight. Thanks and bye.

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