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Y/N Pov

We got on a bus to head closer to Fisk tower, and after we got off close enough we started swinging. We landed on a construction crane as we looked at the building. It looked like they were having a party.

"Kingpin has a secret elevator that goes to the collider below." Penny said through her mech as it scanned the building, showing the elevator.

"Then we can count on having an audience." Noir said. He was right, there were tons of people here. For whatever celebration Kingpin was having. We can't sneak in. We swung onto the glass rooftop as we all looked inside.

"You gotta be kidding me." We all said at the same time as we looked inside. Kingpin was holding a memorial for Spider-man. The audacity.

"Thank you. It's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-man. Him and I were very close." Kingpin's voice could be heard through the roof.

"What a pig." Gwen said which offended Spider-ham.

"I'm right here."

"Hold on. Get a load of how the waiters are dressed. Poor taste but, it can't be that easy." Noir said as we then swung around the building and all went in through the vents. We eventually got the the locker rooms as me, Gwen, Peter, and Noir took ties and walked in, Noir holding a serving plate. Spider-ham and Penny were disguised under a movable table as we walked into the main hall, nobody seeming to care.

"It was that easy." Noir said as we all walked.

"I just wanna thank Mary Jane Parker for being here this evening." Kingpin was talking and then Peter stopped walking when he saw MJ. 

"Pay attention!" I whisper shouted in his face as I pushed him towards the cart.

"It's not your MJ, Peter, okay?" I said as he started walking but still stared at MJ.

"I'm sorry I'll be right back." Peter said as he tried to turn the table towards her, but was stopped by Gwen.

"Peter! Trust me. I've been there, you gotta move on buddy."

"Okay just one second! Let me-" Peter was about to leave but was stopped by MJ standing right in front of him. 

"Hello." MJ greeted simply as Peter just stared at her. Me and Gwen both face palmed at the same time.

"Oh wow." Peter said suddenly, creating an even more awkward atmosphere.

"Um, I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table twelve?" MJ asked as Peter kept staring at her.

"Yeah. I'm just uh... really sorry." Peter said as I face palmed even harder.

"Oh um, don't be sorry, it's just bread."

"No. I wasn't there for you. When you needed me. I didn't even try." Peter started speaking as I somehow face palmed even harder.

"That's fine. I should really get going." MJ said trying to leave but Peter kept talking.

"I know I can do better. If I just had another chance to give you a... the bread that you deserve." Peter said with MJ somehow not recognizing him ro calling any guards.

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