Life in Spider Society

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Y/N Pov

It's been a couple months since I joined the Spider society. It's been about a year and two months since I've become Spider-man, and everything I've done is kind of wild. At least to me. I don't know, Green Goblin, Lizard, and Venom in one year feels like an accomplishment, and joining the Spider-society. My one year anniversary was just small with Gwen. I don't know, it felt special to do something for my first year as Spider-man.

"Hey Peter." I said as I walked past another Spider-man.

"Hey Y/N." Gwen said as she landed next to me, walked with me.

" Where are you going?" She asked as I looked at my phone, which had internet and was connected to the news here, so I was just scrolling. 



"I'm just going to go get food then probably hang out with Hobie and Pavitr." I said as I put my phone away. Pavitr was another Spider-man who was indian from universe 50101. He had joined a month ago, and had been Spider-man for about four months. Which I think is really short but whatever. He's good at what he does. 

"Can I join?" Gwen as I nodded.

"Sure. Why not." I said as Gwen nodded and she smiled at me, which I refused to look at. Wonder why. Once we got to the cafeteria we went to the ramen place ran by the Japanese Spider-man and chef Spider-man, who ran almost every restaurant. Of course, it was Spider-man themed. It just had to be. We sat down at a table and ate as we made small talk.

"So have you checked up on your dad?"

"No. Why would I check up on him? He's doing fine." Gwen replied as I shrugged.

"I don't know. After I lost my version of Miles I learned to appreciate family even more, even if they treated me bad. So I was just wondering if you wanted to check on your dad." I said as she nodded. 

"Hm? What's wrong?" I asked as Gwen looked down. We had gotten really close, so I could tell when she was down even when she had a poker face. I could read her and she could read me. 

"I just remember my dad. And how he pointed a gun at me. I don't know how I'm going to reconcile with him, even if I will." Gwen said as I nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder for comfort. We made a promise to not lie to each other as well. We were probably the closest out of the rest of our friends. After we finished we went to Hobie's universe to hang out in his apartment. Once we arrived, Pavitr was already on the couch twirling his yoyo as Hobie was playing something on his guitar. They were probably waiting for us.

"Hey! Y/N! Gwen!" Pavitr greeted us quickly. I sat down on the couch as Gwen went over the drum set Hobie had. 

"Alright, who wants to sing eh?" Hobie said as he played a quick riff on his guitar as Gwen twirled a drum stick in her hand.

"I've... never sung before." I said as the three of them looked at me confused.

"Like, never? Not even for fun in the shower?" Pavitr said as I shook my head.

"No. I never had time." I said as they nodded.

"Well your turn. Here." Hobie said as he threw me a microphone.

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