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Y/N Pov

I opened my eyes as I was standing in a pitch black room except for where I was standing. Everywhere I looked was just pitch black. Suddenly there was a small white dot as it got bigger and bigger. Once it got close enough I saw that it was a spider web? A spider then crawled around where I could see it as it started to weave more webs. The web kept getting bigger as it was now all around me. The spider kept spinning webs as it looked at me. It then connected a web to my body as I couldn't move and connected it to the web. 


I suddenly woke up as I was in an... office? Was that thing with the spider a dream? A door opened behind me as multiple people walked into the room. 

"So. You're Y/N L/N." The man said as he walked around the side of the table. Was that Norman Osborn?! The CEO of Oscorp?! Why am I here? How did I get here?

"Yes. That is me." I awkwardly said as he sat down on the other side of the table.

"Do you know how you got here?" He asked as I looked down.

"No. Why am I here?" I asked as he sighed.

"So he doesn't remember anything. You're here because I would like to ask you a few questions." He said as I started to get nervous. 

"I don't think you got the right guy. I'm not supposed to be here." I said as I was going to try to stand up, another guy from behind me put a handcuff over my wrist and locked me to the chair. What's happening?!

"You won't be leaving. Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to you. I just need to ask you a few questions." He said as all I could do was stare at him. 

"Do you remember what happened at the subway earlier today?" He asked. What happened? I don't... remember.

"No. I don't remember. All I remember is going to the subway." I said as he sighed again.

"Do you remember anything about a spider, or maybe a briefcase?" He asked again as I shook my head. 

"Sir, I don't know what's happening. I don't know anything about a spider or a briefcase. I'm just a normal kid." I said as he seemed to be getting more frustrated. 

"Get this kid out of my sight. He doesn't know shit." He said angrily as one of the guards unlocked the handcuffs and picked me up from the chair, putting my hands behind my back and leading me out of the room. 

"Do you know how much I sacrificed! We will not lose that spider!" I heard yelling from behind me as I was brought down into an empty room as the guard locked me in the room. Shit. The room was still a few floors up as the windows were locked. What do I do? I can't escape from here. I sat on the ground as I looked at the ceiling. I bet my adoptive parents don't even care. The sun was starting to set as I stood up. Might as well try to break out. I tried to pull the door knob as it was not moving. I put more force as I pushed down one last time. The door knob broke off, making it so that the lock got loose. I pushed open the door as I looked around. I was in an office area in an Oscorp building. That was easy. It was getting late so no one was in the office. I walked toward the hallway as I opened the door, I looked to the right to see two people in suits at the end of the hall.

"Hey! How'd you get out!" One of them yelled as they started running towards me. Shit! I immediately had to run toward the stairs as I opened the door and slammed it behind me, running down the stairs as fast as I could while I could hear the two guards behind me. I finally got to the bottom floor as I ran outside into the main lobby, there were a ton of people. And a ton of guards. They all rushed at me while yelling at me as I ran toward the door.

"You're not going anywhere kid." One of the guards said as he stood between me and the door. I had to turn to the left as I ran away from all the guards chasing me. Why do I feel so much faster? I shouldn't be able to outrun these guys. I was then backed up against a wall as all the guards started to surround me.

"Um... Can we talk about this?" I said as they all kept getting closer and closer.

"Hey! What's happening here!" I heard someone yelling through the group of guards around me as someone pushed themselves through the crowd of people, then through the group of guards.

"What are you guys doing? He's just a normal guy." He said as the guards stood there.


"No. I don't know why but you guys better get back to your stations. My dad would get very angry if he saw you guys doing this to a random kid." He said as the guards obliged as they all walked back to where they were before.

"I'm so sorry about that. The security here is tight. My names Harry Osborn. What's yours?" He asked as he turned to look at me.

"Um- my names Y/N." I said as he nodded.

"Well. Nice to meet you Y/N. You should go. It's getting late and tomorrow should be a school day for you." He said as I nodded. I walked outside if the building as I let out a large sigh. It's been quite the fucking day. I need to get home. I don't even know why Mr.Osborn asked me those questions earlier. I don't want to faint again. I walked through the streets as I walked into our alley. I went around and up the fire escape to my room as I collapsed on the bed. I was laying on my bed as what happened today at the station started to come back to me. What was in the briefcase? Was everything happening because of that spider that bit me? It can't be. But, they we're interested in a spider... it couldn't have been...

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