Spider Bite

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Y/N Pov

"Break in at a local laboratory! Multiple things stolen! If you know anything about this please contact the police."

I read as the headline to a article on my phone. It was a Sunday as I was relaxing in my room.

"Y/N GET DOWN HERE!" I heard my adoptive dad yell from down stairs as I sighed. I walked out of my room and down stairs as I saw my dad... and maybe about twenty bottles of beer? I think. 

"What are you doing! Don't you have a job!" My dad yelled as I picked up the empty glass bottles of beer from the ground.

"It's a Sunday da-"

"Don't talk back to me! You aren't supposed to be here! You're a disappointment! You should at least try to make up for all the hard work me and your mother have put in!" He yelled as I sighed, trying to control my anger. He hasn't done shit. He's not even my dad. I finished picking up the bottles as I threw them in the garbage.

"Get out of my sight." He said as I obliged. I went back up to my room as I sat down on my bed. I should play my guitar. Why not. I picked up my guitar as I was a simple wooden acoustic guitar that was black. It was my dad's old guitar. I remember when I was about five when he was playing for my mom. He was so good, I want to play like him one day. I tuned the guitar as I played some simple chords before doing some finger styles. I decided to play an old song that I liked and hadn't played in a long time. (Pick whatever song you want. It doesn't matter) While I was in the middle of playing my adoptive dad suddenly barged into the room as he walked up to me, still drunk out of his mind. 

"I thought I told you to not play that piece of shit anymore!" He yelled in my face as I set it down. 

"You've never said anything about not play-"

"Stop playing it!" He yelled in my face as he raised his hand and slapped me hard in the face. It left a red mark as I tried not to flinch. 

"Leave! You don't deserve to be here anymore! All you do is take up space." He said as he hobbled out of my room, almost falling over. I sighed as I put the guitar back on the stand as I put on some casual clothes. Just a t-shirt and shorts as I went out through my window again. I went down the fire escape again. I walked down the street as I decided to just go to some local stores. I had some money in my savings. Why not. I at least I can get away from my adoptive dad while hes drunk. I walked down the streets as I went to a few stores. After window shopping for a little bit I decided to take the subway to a different part of the city. I lived in Brooklyn so I decided to go to different part. I walked down the stairs as the station was empty. It had a few people but was generally empty. I stood and leaned against a wall as I was waiting for the train as I was scrolling through social media there was a lot of noise as the few people in the station turned to look. It sounded like someone was running away from something. Suddenly a guy, with a suitcase came sprinting into the station as he was being chased by three guys in suits. What's happening? 

"Stop him! He's a thief!" One of the guys yelled to all of us, but no one did anything. The guy then started to run towards my direction. He kept looking back and then forward, until he tripped over his own feet somehow. He dropped the briefcase on the ground as it spun open. The three guys jumped on the other guy as he could barely even try to fight back. I glanced at the briefcase as I saw glass shards. There was probably something important that was made of glass that got smashed when he dropped the briefcase. I once I looked back at the three guys 'restraining' him. They has... Oscrop badges? Why would Oscrop be chasing a random thief? Was the thing he stole that important? I don't want to get into trouble with Oscorp. Norman Osborn, the CEO could probably wipe me off the face of the earth without a trace. I walked over to the briefcase as I looked over and went to pick it up. I looked down as there looked to be just glass shards? Nothing? I bent over and looked inside the briefcase quickly before picking it up, still keeping it open. I was going to walk over to three guys from Oscorp. I then saw out of the corner of my eye, a black spot moving over the side of the briefcase as it jumped from the far side of the briefcase and jumped onto my neck. It jumped so fast I could barely see it jump. I could feel it climbing on my neck for a few seconds before I felt a sharp pain. It bit me. Shit. I quickly slapped the back of my neck, nothing. Where did it go? 

"Hey kid. Give us the briefcase." One of the guys said as I noticed I was in a trance. I quickly handed it over as they all looked at it, looking for something. I started to walk away but felt dizzy, as my body got weaker and weaker. My head started to throb as I leaned on the wall. The train came in as I was going to start walking towards the train doors, but my body was to weak as my vision was to blurry. My hearing suddenly became very sensitive as everything was so loud. Everything was ringing as I could hear some faint words. 

"Where did it go!"

"We have to find it!" 

"The kid gave us the briefcase. Take him." Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

??? Pov

"Take the kid." I said as the others picked him up after he collapsed suddenly. We took him outside of the station along with the station as we out them both into the back seats. We drove them over to headquarters as we called the boss.

"Did you get it back!" Mr.Osborn yelled through the phone.

"We couldn't find it sir. But we took the kid who gave us the briefcase. He just collapsed in the middle of the subway." I said through the phone.

"WHY WOULD YOU TAKE A RANDOM KID!" He screamed through the phone as he took a deep breathe. 

"Does he know anything?" Mr.Osborn asked.

"No. But we should just make sure." I said as he sighed.

"Take the kid to the my office. I'll take him from there." He said as I said okay as he hung up the phone.

"We're taking him to Mr.Osborn's office." I said as I kept driving to h.q.

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