Green Goblin

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Y/N Pov

I took a short nap after that car chase as I woke up when the sun was setting. I put my suit on and jumped out my room window and swung toward the Oscorp building. It would be good for me to check it out. Why not. I swung around the city, hitting a couple things. Still need to practice that but my parkour is getting better. I think. I ran across a roof as I saw the giant Oscorop skyscraper as I jumped and shot a web at another building, swinging over to it. By the time I got there, the sun was setting as I climbed up the side of the building. I kept climbing until I looked through a window to see a very guarded floor. More then the rest. It has to be happening there. I have to find a way in first. I can't just walk in, in this. I climbed around the side and found a vent as I pulled it open and covered it as I went in. I climbed around in the vents as I looked for anything weird. Mostly it was just guards walking around in different rooms. I kept crawling until I found a room that looked like a lab. It had a operation table as well so I expected it to be in that room. I was about to move on until I heard the door open.

"Get the serum ready."

"But sir we haven't gone into testing ye-"

"We don't have time! That spider was lost so we don't have enough for testing! If that spider can give that kid powers. It can give me powers." He said as the two doctors with him went to prepare the 'serum' as two guards were at the door as Mr.Osborn laid down on the table. I have to find a way in. I crawled around more in the vents until I found a vent that went down as I softly opened it and climbed on the roof, allowing me to watch what was happening. I just have to wait. It took quite some time before the two scientist brought out a green serum in a like a epipen? It was a really big needle. They took another needle and inserted it into elbow, where all the veins were. It had a tube connected as it lead into an IV machine, (Idk what they're actually called but the machine that they use in hospitals.) that had the really big needle connected to it. Of course he wouldn't want that big ass needle into him. The green liquid started to flow down the tube as it was my time to strike.

"Hey Norman. What's that you're injecting into your arm?" I said as I jumped down. Norman started to shake a little like he was having a seizure but he managed to speak.

"Gu-Guards! Keep him oc- occupied as long as you can!" He yelled as one of the guards rushed at me while the other pulled out a walkie talkie.

"We need backup in the experi-"

"No. You're not doing that." I said as I shot a web at his hand and... missed.

"Ment room!" He yelled through the walkie talkie. I sighed. 

"This is gonna be a hell of a fight." I said as the guard tried to right hook me, as I dodged and punched him hard in then stomach, sending him back. He was caught by the other guard as four more guards barged into the room. I quickly turned and tried to shoot the IV machine but one of the guards brought my hand up and I shot the roof. I quickly head butted him as he let go of me as I turned and shot to strands of webs at two guards and crashed them together. Two down. Four to go. I quickly shot one of them and pulled him towards me but he punched me while being pulled at me, making his punch harder. I got pushed back pretty hard as two more guards rushed at me and punched repeatedly. I webbed a cart and tried to hit to them but I missed and it crashed into the wall. I then punched one if them in the face, knocking him off of me but the other guard kept punching me. 

"It's almost done!" One of the scientist yelled as I looked back while being punched. Norman was spazzing more and more as he grew claws and horns. I quickly grabbed the guy punching me, as I grabbed his collar and kicked him off me. I quickly stood up and webbed the two down as I tried to rush at Norman. I was about to grab the IV machine but one of the guards grabbed my by the neck and got me in a choke hold. I quickly elbowed him in the stomach and head butted him. He flew back as I rushed at the IV machine again as the last guard shot me with a taser. I spazzed on the ground as I managed to shoot a web at the guys face. The taser shot eventually stopped as I looked up at Norman. He had morphed into a giant. He was about eight foot as he had wings on his back. He had grown claws and horns along with armor plate like skin.

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