Rise Again

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Y/N Pov

"Six innocent people killed at the bombing and more that we may not know of. The rubble from the explosion blowing up the building , caused six people to be killed and many more to be seriously injured."  The news anchor said as the faces of the six dead people showed.

"The culprit of this bombing hasn't been fully determined, but there is a rumor that Spider-Man, the hero roaming around New York City and saving people was the culprit."

"It was Spider-Man! I saw it with my own eyes! He planted a bomb on that kid!"

"He's been planning this all along! He's been trying to gain our trust just to do this!"

"He was right next to the explosion! He must have planted it!"

"As you can see many people believe this, and even the police are starting to believe this, but there's no evidence. Either way, please keep an eye out for Spider-Man. He has not been spotted in a week. Many are asking the question, 'where is Spider-Man' as well. After he disappeared a week ago, crime rates have already risen."

The news kept going and going. It has been a week since... we had Miles's funeral but I couldn't face his parents. It's my fault he died. All I could find was his severed arm in the rubble. It's all my fault... If I was just stronger, faster, I could have saved him. If I stopped the Green Goblin the first time, none of this would have happened. I'm a failure. I stopped doing Spider-Man stuff after that night and I don't know where the Green Goblin could have gone. I don't really care anymore. I've given up. He was right. Everyone's turning against me. I've just been stuck in my room, not going to school or even really leaving my room. Gwen visited before, but she's only visited to give me school work that I can't be bothered to do. I failed... I'm a disappointment. My phone rung all of a sudden as I looked at it. Mr. Morales. Shit... I hesitated for moment before answering.

"Hello." I tried to answer in my 'I've not been crying a lot voice'. 

"Hey Y/N. How you holding up?"

"I'm... fine." 

"You don't sound fine. You didn't look to good either at the funeral. I know you and Miles were close. We're all grieving. It's hard. I know. But we found a recording in Miles's room, that he wanted you to hear." 

"Okay. I'll be over soon." I said as I was shocked. Miles wanted me to listen to? I... I don't know if I can. Hear his voice again. I quickly got up even though I was very tired as I got dressed in whatever I had and went out of the window. I had my web shooters just for safety but I decided to walk. 


"It's a video he recorded on our old camera. We can't get the videos on anything else. He said that he wanted you to hear this when he dies." Mr. Morales said as he connected the old camera to the T.V. 

"We'll, leave you to it." Mrs. Morales said as they left the room, leaving me with the recording. All I had to do was hit play. I sat there for a while before I finally grabbed the remote. Here we go. I'm sorry Miles. I failed you. I slowly clicked play as there was no sound for a few seconds.

"Hey Y/N. I know this is really weird. Why would I record this when I'm still young when later I could just write a will but that part doesn't matter. You might never listen to this and that's okay. I just wanna be ready. Anything could happen. I also recorded one of these for my family but that was more awkward. You were always my best friend and some of my best memories are with you. Like when my mom tried to teach us how to sow. It was really fun. Or when we went to the beach together. Or when we first met. Those were my favorite memories. Man, you've grown. But you're still the same person I remember from those days. You're always helping me and by my side. Through my ups and downs, you always stood by me. Even when I didn't want it. And I'm grateful. My parents are too. Thank you. I also just want to give you some inspiring words when you're down. That I can't say after I die. When that happens. This is going to be very weird for me to say to an old ass camera but I guess I got this far and like I said, I want to be ready. I want you to use this. At least once. You can do it. It doesn't matter how bad you messed up because, if you're the Y/N I know, you always get back up. You have to. People are relying on you. I know that you may not like that, but that's the truth. You have to take a leap of faith, Y/N. You have to get out of whatever situation you're in and push forward. Push through and come out better than you were before. Learn from your mistakes and push forward. Become a better person. You just have to take that initial leap of faith. That's what my grandpa used to always tell me. And always be ready. That's what he also told me. Anyway that's the end of my little 'inspirational speech'. I should probably shut this thing off. I'm gonna take all the storage." The video ended as I sat there. What Miles said in the video started to replay in my head. If Miles saw me now, he would hate me. I failed him. If Miles saw me now, He wouldn't mean any of this. No. I know Miles. He wouldn't care. Like he said in the video, learn from your mistakes and come out as a better person. I just... need to take a leap of faith...

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