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Y/N Pov

I attended the memorial for this world's Spider-man, which was just a speech about how we could all be Spider-man. (Sorry I'm too lazy to type it all.) 

After that I just did some spider-man things, stopped a few crimes. But while I was swinging I swung around the Hudson river, and there was this building that had a the word Alchemax on it. Wasn't that the company that made the video I watched about parallel universes? Maybe I could find some clues there. That would be a good place to start. I swung around the building that had a forest around it. I eventually found a vent as I crawled inside, trying to search for something. It was a lab I think. Filled with science equipment and people clothed in white lab coats. I jumped down into a room as I climbed on the roof searching for something. I avoided everyone and went into empty rooms, but there was almost nothing. The computers were just filled with documents about something called a collider, but it didn't say what it was for. It was confidential. Maybe if I can find the head scientists computer, then I can get some answers. There were suddenly some crashing in the building, but I wanted to avoid conflict, and this is a science lab. They're probably doing an experiment or something. I climbed into the vents again as I crawled around, I crawled over the cafeteria, I saw two Spider-man? What the hell is happening? I'm so confused. They started running as all the scientists in the cafeteria pulled out guns. I quickly trailed behind them in the vents but by the time I could get outside, they were both already swinging away. It looked like one of them didn't know what they were doing. I quickly jumped out of the vent, jumping down and disarming a few of the scientists before trailing after the two. One of them fell to the ground and started running as I jumped on a few of the guys, taking them down but not all of them. They kept chasing the other Spider-man as I took as many of them down as I could. The more experienced Spider-man also defended the running one as I took down more of them farther in the back. A woman, I think the one from the documentary suddenly sprinted past me. She had four extra arms that were long as hell as she was chasing the two other Spider-man. Spider-men? Spider-mans? I don't know. The running Spider-man then fell on a log as the woman with the four extra arms rushed at him. But I finally caught up with him. I swung above them before super jumping off a tree, kicking the woman in the back of the head, landing in front of the other spider-man. He looked at me in shock before quickly getting up to run away. I let out my arm blades as I started her down.

"You're Dr. Octavius right? I saw your documentary about parallel universes. I think I'm from one."

"Heh. Such flattery. I do look good in those videos." She said as she sent two of her arms at me, I parried them with my blades before rushing at her, tackling her to the side. I quickly super jumped away to follow the others as I started swinging. I saw the younger Spider-man at the top of a tree as the older one was yelling at him how to swing. Dr. Octavius was rushing at us again as I grabbed the kid by the collar, swinging away.

"Just relax and press this button when you want to shoot a web, okay." I said as he frantically nodded.

"You ready?" I asked as he nodded again. 

"I hope." He said as I let him go as he was falling but finally shot a web out and started swinging.

"That's it! Double tap to release and thwip it out again!" The older Spider-man said as he joined him as they both held the computer. I swung above and slightly behind them as Dr. Octavius kept chasing us.

"Yeah! You're doing it! Now thwip, release. Thwip, release." The older Spider-man was giving directions as Dr. Octavius kept getting closer and closer. She was kind of far away but she was getting closer.

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