New Life

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Y/N Pov

I woke up leaning against a wall, still in my suit. Everything hurts, but I managed to wrap all my injuries. Oh yeah... the green goblin killed my parents and destroyed my home. I have nowhere to go. I jumped up and started swinging around the city. There were... riots? People were petitioning about something. I swung closer as I heard what they were yelling.

"Spider-man is innocent!"

"He didn't do anything!"

"It was the green goblin!" The people yelled in front of the police. They were defending me? 

"He is still a wanted criminal. We must capture him." The police man said calmly over the crowd but they didn't listen.

"We have proof he is innocent!"

"He was protecting his loved ones!"

"He stops criminals!"

"He was stopping a villain!" The people continued to yell. 

"You know what? Fine. We'll stop the search for him." The chief of police said, causing the crowd to cheer. How long have they been doing this? For me? Really? I don't deserve this... I started to swing away, as I found four guys trying to break into a jewelry store. 

"Everyone is rioting for Spider-man, and after the beating from yesterday he won't be out." I zipped down and landed next to them all. They're right, everything hurts but that doesn't mean I won't stop crime. 

"Hey guys. Just cause I was beat, doesn't mean I won't beat you." I said as I tried to get the blades I had before, but they didn't come out. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

"What're you doing?" One of the guys asked as I stood there, flexing my arms trying to get my blades to come out. Well... fuck.

"It's not working. Whatever." I said as I shot two webs at one guy, shooting myself at him and kicking him in the face. The other guy tried to punch me but I dodged and punched him twice. The last guy tried to run but I shot webs at his feet, making him trip. 

"I really need to practice how to get these blades out." I said as I super jumped up and started swinging again. I also need a place to stay... maybe a job... I need to rebuild my life from nothing... great...


I managed to get a job at a fastfood restaurant (like ihop). They really didn't care who they hired considering they hired a fifteen year old. But I did fake my information so... they just don't check. I had two sets of clothes in backpacks around the city, which was all I had left. It was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in one, and the other was a hoodie and warm up pants. I walked into the restaurant as I was greeted by my senior coworker, Mr. Moon. He was a older asian guy, and apparently he had worked here for a long time. 

"You're Y/N, right?" He asked as I nodded.

"Take this uniform and get changed. All you'll be doing is waiting tables since it's your first job. Changing rooms back there." Mr. Moon said pointing towards a room with employee only. I walked into the male door and it was a simple locker room, and the employee bathroom as well. I quickly changed as I walked out.

"Ok. This is your writing pad for orders, and this is how you hold a platter, make sure you don't drop the food, or else you'll have to pay for it." He told me as I nodded. He briefly showed me how to hold the platter as stable as possible before putting it down and telling me to get to work. Already? On the first day and I'm already just getting to work. No training, no nothing. Nice. I walked out into the main part of the restaurant and it was already packed. This was place was pretty popular, for being this quality of food, but it's not the worst. There was already a person at the front as she called me over.

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