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Y/N Pov

After what happened yesterday, I didn't know what to do. I just went home and slept but I can't skip school. I was getting dressed as my shirt was slightly to small for me to wear. Well. Nothing else to wear so I have no choice. I was thinking about telling Miles but decided not to. He can barely keep his mouth shut about secrets. He'd probably spill it all to his uncle Aaron. His uncle is a nice guy but I've only met him a couple of times. Once I arrived at school we just went to normal classes. I set my textbooks on the desk as I tried to lift my hand, but the books were stuck to my hand. I kept trying to get it off my left hand as the teacher started speaking.

"Okay class. Open your textbooks to page 277." He said simply as I was still trying to get my hand unstuck, in the process, getting my right hand stuck. I opened the book to page 277 but I still couldn't unstick my hands. I then accidentally ripped book apart as pages fell on the ground. I looked around awkwardly as everyone was staring at me. 

"Um... it was like that when I found it?" I said as I put my hands up, with the book covers still stuck to my hands.

Time Skip

"So. The price of the book will be seventy dollars. If you can't pay, you can't get your diploma so I suggest getting your parents to pay." I was talking to the principal as I finally got the book covers off my hands. 

"Yes sir." I said as I looked down. How am I going to pay this? My adoptive parents will for sure not pay. Ugh... Why are my thoughts so loud!

"Okay. You may go." The principal said as I got up and walked out of the office. It was lunch time by now so I was walking down the halls as I heard someone I didn't want to hear.

"Come on. You know you want to." Eddie Brock. One of the jocks who got held back a couple years. He always bullied me before. Somehow I was always in the same grade as him. He was harassing a girl. Again. I sighed as I knew I was about to get into trouble. Fuck this...

"Eddie! Bro what're you doing!" I yelled back as I walked towards him. He turned to me as he let go of the girl.

"Y/N. This is none of your business. Fuck off." He glared at me as I just looked at him.

"It's not very manly to harass a girl bro. You could go to prison." I said as I smirked. I knew how to make him frustrated. 

"You can't be saying anything about being a man Y/N." He said as he shoved me but I just took a few steps back. 

"At least be more gentle. No girls are gonna fall for you if you shove them against the wall." I said as he started walking towards me.

"You haven't even gotten a girl before."

"Maybe not. But I know how to treat my mom better than you ever could." I said as he finally snapped. It's so easy to get him angry. It's kind of sad. As he rushed at me but I had this feeling. Like my body telling me to move. It felt strange. Like I knew what he was going to do. He rushed at me as he tried to tackle me as I easily side stepped as I flew forward, stumbling a bit before regaining his footing. He glared at me again as he was angrier. He rushed at me again as he started sending punches. I somehow managed to dodge all of his punches as I lunged forward and sent a right hook at his face. It connected as he flew against a wall in pain.

"You... bitch... how did you hit... that hard? You could never fight before." He said out of breathe as he stumbled away with the rest of his group. Those boxing lessons with Miles and his uncle really helped. I quickly went over to the girl he was harassing  as she was getting her bearings. 

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