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Y/N Pov

It had been a couple of weeks since I made my 'web shooters'. That's what I decided to call them. I mean, I was bitten by a spider and given spider-ish powers and I have things on my wrists that shoot white strings so I think web shooters is a good name. I don't have a hero name though. I don't know what to call myself. I was getting better at swinging but I still crash into a lot of stuff. I was walking with Gwen to meet her band as I had my guitar and a backpack. 

"You'll be fine Y/N. If you can sight read you'll be fine." She said as I sighed.

"That helped so much." I said sarcastically as she chuckle.

"Just calm down. Worst case scenario they just don't want you in the band."

"Why're you telling me the the worst case scenario? I thought you're trying to comfort me." 

"It won't help no matter what I do or say." I sighed as we walked into the main singer, Mary Jane's or MJ's garage. It actually had some high quality recording equipment. Damn. The rest of the band was there as there was of course MJ. The singer, a guy named Billy who was the bass player. He was kinda shorter but he had big as hell hands, and Gwen. The drummer. Apparently their lead guitarist recently moved away so it was helpful for me to join.

"Okay so, you're Y/N, right?" MJ asked as I nodded.

"Alright. Just read this. This is one our songs that should be one of our harder songs." She said as she handed me a sheet that was... pretty easy. It was just some simple chords with a solo in the middle that was pretty simple. Just mainly in the middle. (You can try to imagine a song or you can use a random rock song.)

We kept on playing some songs as I was playing them all easily. There was an alert on my phone as I checked it. It was the police radio app I downloaded. It was talking about a high speed chase. I should probably go stop that.

"Um... sorry guys but I... have something happening at home. I gotta go." I said as the band nodded and waved me off. I quickly grabbed my backpack, phone, and guitar as I had to rush home to put my guitar down. I don't want it to get damaged. I swung home while covering my face as I put my guitar down and changed into my suit. I kinda just slapped together some old clothes and stuff I had. I just stuck two spider stickers to my jacket and cut one in half for my zipper. That's the only real thing I didn't have and bought. I ran up the fire escape as I stood on top of my apartment.

 I ran up the fire escape as I stood on top of my apartment

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"Okay. Here goes nothing. First chase. Here go." I said as I shot a web at a building and started to swing. I was following the directions of that crime app I had as I saw the car speeding through the city.

"Here goes nothing!" I yelled as I aimed a web at the car and shot it. Miss. Again. Miss. Again. Miss... I'm really bad this aren't I. I kept trying to shoot webs at the car but wasn't paying attention to where I was swinging and I went face first into a street sign.

"Uh... That's gonna leave a bruise." I said as I got up and shot a web at another building. Swinging after the car.

"Hey! Can you guys slow down! I'm new to this!" I yelled as one of the guys looked out the car window, pointing a gun at me. Shit. He started firing at me as I barely managed to dodge in mid air thanks to the new sense I got. I don't have a name for that either. I really need to name things. I kept shooting webs at the car as I finally hit. Finally! I pulled myself toward the car as I was on top of the car. They saw this and started to swerve around. 

"Shit! Stop moving so weird! I'm gonna barf!" I yelled as I latched onto the top with webs. Just in case. One of the guys stuck their head out of the car window again as he pointed a pistol at me.

"No. no. no. no. no. Stop with the guns." I said as I shot a web at his hand, hitting the pistol out of it. Um... how do I stop a moving car? I tried shooting webs into the front as It slowed the car down, but the webs snapped. 

"Um..." I said as the same guy poked his head out again with another gun.

"Come on bro. You're gonna just keep losing the guns." I said as I grabbed his arm before he could fire and pulled the gun out of his hand. I then pulled the door open and threw him onto the side of the road.

"Sorry!" I yelled as he rolled on the ground. The police caught him because they were still chasing the car I was on. Okay. How do I do this now? I pulled open the door ot the passenger side and pulled the guy out as well. Now just the driver. But if I take him out then the car will go out of control. Unless I stop it. Well. Here goes nothing.

"Hey I'm gonna need you to stop the car." I said as he kept going.

"Shut up!"

"Wow. Rude." I said as I pulled the door open and grabbed him, throwing him out of the car. The car started going out of control as I tried to use my webs to slow it down. It was about to crash into a building. Shit! I jumped in front of the building and grabbed the cars front and tried to hold it. It was going over one hundred twenty miles so it was very hard to stop. I held it as I almost dropped it but eventually the wheels stopped as I set it down, with three broken doors. I walked around the car as I saw a sheet of paper. I grabbed it and unfolded it.

The boss is done making the formula. We need everyone here. Now. Do anything you need to get here now. We need all the security we can muster. You know the building. Oscorp headquarters.

"What the-" I was about to talk as I heard sirens blare as red and blue lights started to flash.

"Oh come on. I stopped a high speed chase! Why am I considered a criminal!" I yelled as multiple cars from news stations also drove up, with reporters and photographers coming out.

"So! Spider-man! How does it feel to stop a high speed car chase!"

"Spider-man! You've been at it for two and a half weeks! How-"

"Uh... I don't do interviews." I said as everyone was trying to get me to stay, I jumped up and swung away as fast as I could. I eventually got far enough to where they couldn't see where I went and sat on the edge of a roof.

"What are those interview questions? I don't know what to call myself. Spider-man?" I sighed.

"I'm tired as hell. Stopping a car is harder than I thought. I need more practice." I said as I pulled my ski mask off. I'm tired as hell. I changed into my normal clothes as I put my suit back into my backpack as I went down to the streets. I should check out Oscorp later. It said on the note that something was happening at Oscorp. Something bad is going to happen. I know it.

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