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Y/N Pov

Me and Gwen swung away to where her camera said the anomaly went.

"What is this anomaly again?" I asked Gwen as she shrugged.

"They said his name was the Spot, and he was made by the collider. He could actually pose a big threat to the multiverse." Gwen explained to me as I nodded. We eventually got to a building that the police were surrounding , as there were gigantic holes in the building. We both looked around at the destruction.

"Ah... shit." I said as I stepped over a broken computer.

"I second that statement." Gwen said as we walked through the destroyed room. Gwen let the replay things out of her watch as they scanned the room before forming the replay of what happened. There was a lot of stuff from... the collider? Like a picture of this universes Dr. Octavius, a spider from another universe, etc.

"Jess is gonna kill us." I said as I rubbed my face.

"Show me a replay of what happened." 

"Replay commencing." Gwen's watch beeped back as it scanned the room before replaying what happened.

"Spots. That's the thing. I need more spots! Oh my god, it was right under... where my nose would have been... I need a little bit more dimensional juice or whatever, I never did come up with a good name for it or whatever."

"Shoot!" Gwen said as we watched the replay of 'the spot' with some mechanical parts.

"Branding was never my strong suit." Gwen was fast forwarding the replay as we watched.

"The city power line of my micro collider- it could generate a little more concentrated dark energy... This is what I love about science!" The spot said as he connected some contraption.

"Shoot!" It was my turn to say it as the spot kept making things.

"I just need enough to get me somewhere with a full-size collider." Spot said as he finished his contraption. A small collider.

"And Spider-man. I'll make you pay for everything you took away from me. All right, this is gonna work. Or vaporize me and everything in this building which... would not be good." Spot said as he touched the dark mass in the middle of his mini collider.

"Shoot." Me and Gwen said at the same time as the spot in the replay started to gain more spots as a bigger one formed in the middle of his chest. We watched as he was sucked into a spot, which caused a gigantic explosion, which made the holes in the building.

"Shit." Both me and Gwen said as the replay finished. 

"Oh no no no no no no no no!"

"Why why why why why!" Both me and Gwen were in panic mode as we were stressing out, a hologram of a specific person appeared behind us.

"Gwen, Y/N, hi." She said as I was already dying inside.

"Whatcha' doing?" Jess asked as I prayed to God for salvation.

"Nothing." I said quickly as she seemed unimpressed

"We're all good. Uh- good. Everything's going great. Um- bye." Gwen said as she closed the hologram of Jess. Only for her to appear again.

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