Meet Up

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Y/N Pov

We climbed through the portal to another assignment. But this one was different. It was me and Gwen, again. Gwen had opened the portal as I was just following after her. The other side of the portal eventually opened as we both looked down at Miles laying in his bed with headphones on. 

"Miles! Miles!" Me and Gwen both yelled twice before he looked at us.

"You gotta minute?" Gwen said as Miles panicked. Gwen dropped down on his bed as I dropped on the floor.

"Woah! How did you guys get- how did you get-" Miles was saying as he saw all his stuff fall to the ground. Gwen quickly moved to hug him as Miles was in even more shock.

"How have you been?" Miles switched his question as he hugged her back.

"Uh, I've been good. I've been, yeah, just great." Gwen said as they broke the hug. 

"We've been good." I said as I pulled Miles up with a web, hugging him as well. Gwen slipped my hoodie off and put it on the floor.

"Damn bro. You gained some muscle. Bet all the girls are flocking to you." I said as I broke the hug with him. 

"Well- there's this one girl and she goes to my school. I think she's-"

"What's her name?" I asked quickly as he was taken back.

"Uh, Gwendolyn... something. She's African American." (Imagine like... Hailey from the Insomniac games. I just wanted to make a parallel to one of Gwen's later lines. With the whole Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-man and dies thing.) 

"You don't even know her last nam-"

"Don't pry into his personal stuff Y/N." Gwen said as she stood up, looking around the room.

"Is this the room you grew up in?" Gwen asked as she looked around. I also started to look around. 

"It is, but, um, my dorm room is-is very adult." Miles said as I picked up an action figure he had in a box.

"Miles, is this a vintage?" I asked as I examined the box. My adoptive parents didn't give enough of a shit to get me any toys.

"Um, yeah-"

"Oh, I used to have this one. Wait, why is it still in the package?" Gwen asked as she opened the box. Both me and Miles were in pain. Even though I never had these things as a kid, my version of Miles was a collector. He had everything so I understood the culture. Miles chuckled nervously, not trying to show his anger as he clenched his teeth.

"That's fine." Miles said quietly as Gwen quickly shot a web at a book. Miles quickly tried to get it, but Gwen was faster.

"Hey, are these your drawings?" Gwen asked as she flipped through the book.

"What? No." Miles tried to deny it but it was obviously his.

"Wow, they're good." Gwen said as she kept flipping. I saw the drawings and it was a lot of me and Gwen, and another girl. Probably the girl he liked. 

"Missed you too." Gwen said as she handed Miles the drawing book. Miles was clearly embarrassed.

"You don't gotta act cool around us Miles. We're friends, and you're still a kid." I said as I walked towards the window.

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