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Y/N Pov

I was standing over the lizard, but I felt like I didn't have control over my body. Like I was looking through a lens. It was already night time, and I could see through it clearly as well.

"You won't survive this. The predator has become the prey." I said in a deep, monstrous voice. I couldn't control what I said. Like I was looking into someone else's life. 

"You've hurt our host. And now we'll make it so that you will never hurt again." I said as the lizard cowered. He was that scared. What's happening?

"Remember this. We. Are. Venom." I said again as my arm lifted, grabbing the lizard with a tendril as it lifted him up, opening its mouth. I could feel it, but couldn't control it. So it calls itself Venom. It was about to devour his head. It was actually going to eat him. No. Fuck! 

"Put your hands up!" I heard from behind me. Police. Thank god. Please stop me. I turned towards them as lights shined on me. 

"You are being charged with the murder of Gwen Stacy-" After I heard that name, I dropped the lizard, jumping at the police helicopter. I didn't have control. I slammed through the window as I grabbed one of the police men, biting his head off. I grabbed the other as was going to do the same until the third in the back starting shooting at me with a rifle. It didn't do anything as the bullets just bounced off. I threw away the police men as I was going to go for the third man, he somehow got a rocket launcher and shot it off, blowing me away and into a building as the helicopter crashed as well, killing the man. Whatever was covering me now was starting to retract as it retracted into me, and back into the suit. I slowly stood up and looked at the destruction. Police were surrounding the area, taking Gwen's body and the lizard as the rest surrounded me.

"What... have I... done..." I said weakly as I stood, looking towards the police. I quickly super jumped away as they tried to fire at me, but missed. I landed on a random building as I punched a hole in the brick wall. 

"Gwen... fuck... I failed again. This suit does nothing!" I yelled as I punched another hole in the wall.

"I'm still a failure. I'm always failing. Miles, my parents, you, everybody I've failed. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve this life. I couldn't even tell you how I feel." I said loudly as I took off my mask, tears streaming down my face. Tendrils came out of my mask, trying to slither back onto my head but I threw it away. I punched another hole in the wall, grabbing the inside and ripping the wall apart. 

"Why... why did this 'Venom' thing join back into me when it was shot with that rocket? It barely took any damage." I said out loud as I kept sulking.

Because we needed to escape. It's easier for you then for us.

A voice rang in my head. Venom.

"Why are you just talking to me now?" I said. I know he heard me. 

I always talked to you. You just never acknowledged it. 

Wait. He's right. He's the one who's been pushing me to do these things. It is its fault. No. It's my fault I failed. It only made me stronger and I still failed. I'm just a failure.


"We are gathered here today to honor the legacy of Gwen Stacy. I'm sure she would be happy seeing you all here. Gwen was... my only daughter, and the greatest accomplishment in my life. When she was born, I lost her mother, Helen Stacy, but she helped me recover. She was my little angel. When she was a kid, all I can remember was how energetic she was, and how innocent she was. I always remember her playing around with her friends and just... being a kid." Mr. Stacy spoke as he wiped a tear from his eye. 

"When she grew older, she stayed the same. Keeping that childlike innocence that made her special. She just grew as a person. I laid back and watched as my angel matured. She continued to grow until her timely demise at the hands of that vigilante, but that's not the point of this. We're here to remember her, and keep her memory alive. So I want to thank you all for coming. For my daughter. And the last thing I want to say is... I hope you're at peace now Gwen. For now, and forever. Thank you." Mr. Stacy spoke for only a little bit but his eulogy out of all the others seemed to have the most impact. After a little bit longer, they were going to lower Gwen's coffin into the ground, but allowed people to see her one last time. But I couldn't. I couldn't see her. If I did, I would have broke down. I have to stay strong. 


"So, how have you been Y/N?" Mrs. Morales asked me. Mr. and Mrs. Morales had asked me if I wanted to have dinner with them, which I accepted. I hadn't seen them in a while. 

"I've been doing... okay."

"That's good. You know, I heard that one of your friends was killed. How are you doing after that?" Mr. Morales asked.

"I'm... I'm managing." I said as they both nodded.

"That's good. You know, I just got promoted to Captain of the police force and, my first case is the Spider-man case. Heh. Of all cases, one of the hardest ones." Mr. Morales said as I nodded. So he's the one doing my case. Shit. 

"Well, what if Spider-man isn't guilty?" I said as Mr. Morales looked at me confused.

"We saw him there at the murder. He destroyed a ton of public property."

"Well it was only because the lizard attacked the school."

"It doesn't matter because either way, he destroyed public property. Their both guilty."

"He was forced to."

"He still has those charges on him."

"He's not guilty."

"I'm sorry Y/-"

"Spider-man is not guilty."

"The government has found him guilty."

"He did nothing wrong."

"Well, the government-"

"The government doesn't matter! He isn't guilty!" I yelled while standing up. I let my emotions get ahead of me. 

"I'm- I'm sorry. I should go now." I said as they both nodded. I quickly left their house as I changed into my suit to go home.

"How could I let my emotions get ahead of me. Why? This would have never happened before. Is it because-"

No. No it isn't. I know what you're thinking.

You just confirmed my suspicions. 


I swung around the city until I found what I was looking for. I remember what happened before a couple days ago with the lizard. With the bell. It must be the sound, that hurts this thing, or at least annoys it. I swung around the tower as I stood on the top floor. Let's see if this works. I punched the bell as its sound rung out, a sharp pain went through my body. Venom started to spaz as I tried to punch the bell again, but it held me back. But I continued. Venom finally started to pull off of me as I started ripping it off of myself, starting with the mask, then the body. It finally pulled off as I grabbed it and threw it off the tower. I breathed heavily as I collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

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