New Suit

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Y/N Pov

It's been about a month since the incident where I was transported to a different universe and everything's been going smoothly. I've been stopping a good amount of crime as well, so the rate has been slowing down. So I have more time for other things. Mainly school. I ran across a roof, the night sky glowing. I super jumped up in the air as I dived downward, swinging with the momentum. I kept swinging until I found my destination. Dr. Connors lab, where I used to work, or volunteer. I brought a backpack with a change of clothes as I slipped it on, hiding my gloves and mask in my pockets. I walked up to the door as I scanned my card, and the door opened. It still works. I walked into the old lab I always used to come to. Unlike before, everything was dirty. There were testing tubes, and trash littered across the floor. I kept walking as I saw Dr. Connors sitting at a table. Why did he call me? 

"Hey Dr. Connors." I said as he turned towards me. He had dark bags under his eyes as he was working on something. He had also gotten multiple new tanks filled with... lizards? Why? 

"Hey Y/N. I'm glad you came this late." Dr. Connors said as I nodded.

"So what did you need?"

"I need your help with something. I can't find Peter, so you're the next best I can get." He said as I nodded again. 

"Come with me." He said as he brought me to the storage room, there was a new machine there. 

"Is that a particle accelerator?! You always said you wanted to get one but didn't have the funds." I said as he nodded, tapping some buttons on the control pad.

"Yes. A big part of the funds came from me, and I had to let Peter go as well, to pay for this." He said as I was shocked.

"Why would you let Peter go?"

"He also wanted to leave. He said he needed to spend time with family. Mourn his uncle." Dr. Connors said as I nodded. I wonder if Peter's okay. 

"So why did you need me here?" I asked as he turned to me.

"I need to put a serum into the container, but I need to change the settings while it is processing." He said as he showed me the container for the serum. There was another control pad on it.

"I already put some of the serum in there, so if you can help me with this, I'll pay you."

"It's fine. I don't need you to pay me." I said as he nodded. He walked over to the main control pad as I stood at the second one.

"I'll give you directions as we go on. Starting it up... now." Dr. Connors said as the particle accelerator powered up before starting. I saw the blue beam inside of it. It was kind of beautiful. Like the collider beam, but smaller and more controlled. The beam hit the main container as Dr. Connors told me what to do.

"Press the button on the left please." He said as I did. He was constantly pressing buttons on the main control pad as well. That must be why he needs my help. But I don't know what this serum is for. He kept telling me to press different things until we finally finished. It was almost an hour straight of pressing different buttons. 

"It worked. It worked!" Dr. Connors said as he ran to the container, opening it even though it needed to cool down. He looked at the serum until turning to me and hugging me.

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you so much." Dr. Connors said as I nodded.

"It's fine. Could I ask what it's for?" I asked as he looked down, his expression turning more somber.

"It's medicine. For my son." He said as I nodded. That makes sense. I looked down at the green liquid we just created. So that's medicine. I wonder what's in it, and what it cures. But I don't wanna be too pushy. About this subject. It doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it. 

"Then I'll be going. Goodbye, Dr. Connors." I said as he nodded, taking out the serum we just made. As I was walking through the lab, there was one specific tank I saw. It was shattered and had... black goo around the cracks? It doesn't seem like Dr. Connors cares much. I shouldn't pry into Dr. Connors stuff. I don't work here anymore. I walked out of the building, slipping out of my clothes and into my spider suit as I started swinging home. I eventually got back as I studied before heading to bed. I am exhausted. I don't have work tomorrow though. It's a sunday tomorrow. More Spider-man work though. I just need some rest. 


When I woke up, I immediately stood up. But my sleeping clothes were on the ground, and I was dressed in my suit which was now colored black.

 But my sleeping clothes were on the ground, and I was dressed in my suit which was now colored black

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(I obviously do not own this and yes. This is where the story is going.)

I felt so strong. I felt like I had so much energy. Like I could lift the world. Like nobody could stop me. I didn't really care that my suit changed. I felt so much stronger, and if it's related to the suit, I'm willing to keep it. I jumped out of the window as I super jumped, jumping much higher then I could before. I started diving as I swung around the city. I ran on a building as I super jumped again, sensing some criminals. I landed on the ground as they were trying to break into a gun store.

"You guys think changing the time of the break in from night to morning will help?" I said as they looked towards me. There were four of them. I tried to let out my blades, but they didn't come out. What? Come on. Why is it not working now? I tried to let out the blades as I saw them stretch against the suit, but just fall back in. Whatever. Let's knockout these bitches. 

"You think you're more intimidating in that new suit eh? It doesn't matter!" One guy yelled as he tried to rush at me with a baseball bat. I readied a punch as I punched him square in the face, knocking him out in one punch. That felt good. Really good. The other guys started rushing at me as I knocked them all out in one hit. I punched one guy in the face, kicking another, then grabbing one by the collar and slamming him into a wall. I quickly dialed the police and said the location before I super jumped away again. 

"I feel so strong." I said as I looked down at my hands, and the black suit. These criminals better be ready. They won't be able to commit anymore after I'm through with them.

3rd Pov

As Spider-man swung around, stopping crime. But, in the old lab that he used to work at, the doctor stood, the lights dimmed. He stood, with a syringe, filled with the green liquid. He brought it up to his arm, his hand shaking, but the resolve in his eyes unwavering. He quickly brought it up to his arm, sticking it into his flesh, injecting it into himself.

"I'll finally be able to support you. Please, just wait a little longer." 

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