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Y/N Pov

After the blast, I was put into a daze because of that vision. But, I quickly got out of it. We all slowly recovered as the Spot, now being fully black with white spots floated in the air. Whatever that spider is saying to me... it's very... interesting. Vampire? Destroy it? Vampire... does it mean Miguel? Destroy it? Destroy what? Spider society, like what Hobie's always talking about?

"Our future." The Spot said ominously, as his voice had changed into a darker tone. 

"I'm gonna take everything from you, like you took everything from me." Spot said as his voice echoed.

"See you back home, Spider-Man." Spot said as he teleported away with a portal.

"Miles. Miles! You okay?" I said as I ran up to him. He seemed in a daze. The building was starting to fall apart as the others came to me and Miles as well.

"We got to go."

"Oi, oi, oi, liven up, mate." The others said as we ran through the collapsing building, dodging debris falling towards us. We eventually got to the outside as civilians were stuck on the balcony, the building being ripped apart by some force. Shit.

"We'll clear the path. You slow down that building." Miles said looking towards me, Gwen, and Hobie.

"I'll do it, but not because you told me to." Hobie said as we all dived down, dodging between the debris. Me, Gwen, and Hobie wrapped the building in webs as we hoisted the webs over our backs, trying to slow the building down as Pav and Miles dived downward, to save people. The building was slowly slipping out of our grasp as Pav and Miles continued saving people. The webs securing the building eventually snapped, leading to us having to rush in to save more people, as Miles and Pav continued, running into the buildings while the rest of us saved more people on the outside. The building was being ripped apart by the energy as we dived off the Alechmax building, eventually meeting up again as we were diving. The building and debris was falling onto a nearby bridge as we rushed over, saving people. 

"Head's up Y/N. Markers are predicting an incoming canon event. Tread carefully." Lyla warned through the watch as I dived back down to save people. Canon events, to my knowledge were special events that happened in every Spider-Man's life, and if they were interrupted, the multiverse would be destroyed. That's all I knew from Gwen's explanations. But... I'm not sure how much I'm able to believe them.

"On it." I said back into the watch as I grabbed another guy, swinging him to safety. We were leading people to safety quickly, as more and more debris was falling onto the bridge. I saved more people as Miles and Gwen stopped on a balcony. We looked down towards the bridge as we saw Pav struggling to hold up a bus, and crawling towards a police captain. Canon event.

"I got him, I got him!" Miles yelled as he was going to dive down, but Gwen managed to grab him by the arm. I landed behind them.


"Don't worry. Thread the needle, ring the bell, right?" Miles asked as Gwen kept the grip on his arm. She's probably trying to stop him from interrupting the Canon event.

"It's too dangerous." Gwen said as Miles continued trying to go.

"I'll be okay, I promise." Miles said as he jumped away from Gwen's grasp.

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