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Y/N Pov

After I finished work, I immediately got into my suit as I ran on the roof tops. 

"Okay. Let's see what I can do now." I said as I kneeled on the edge of a building. Suddenly, a few police cars drove by where I was. Must be important. I started following after them as they drove to a nearby port. It had a big fish shop on one side, with the port on the other side. The police got out of their cars, with their weapons ready as they entered the fish market. I jumped onto the roof, as I stared into the glass roof. The policemen scattered around in pairs of two, searching for something. Eventually, my spider sense went off as a guy crashed through a couple of boxes of fish at two police men. I then jumped and crashed through the roof as the man bit into one of the police and ripped off a part of his shoulder. He looked towards me. He had lizard-like eyes, and scales covering his body. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He roared at me as he jumped at me. I dodged underneath him as he crashed through a wall into some backrooms of the building. I quickly followed him, zipping into the back rooms as well. They were dark, and had crates of fish.

"Whoever you are, come out and nothing too bad will happen." I said as I looked around, trying to spot something in the dark. I eventually saw something as I took out my phone flashlight to see...

"Shedded skin?" I said out loud as I grabbed the skin. It was in the shape of the guy. I looked around more, but nothing. Suddenly my spider sense went off as the guy zipped right past me again, and back into the other room. I looked back, and he changed. He looked more like a lizard then a man now, but was still around human size. He seemed to be going for the policemen.

"Aaaggghhhh!!!" I heard from the outside as I zipped into the room. He had eaten one of the guys heads off. He started shedding again as I super jumped at him and landed on his back, but he shook me off quickly. Once I fell off, I looked up at him. He was now almost nine feet tall I think. He looked down at me, as he roared at me. He tried to punch me, but I rolled out of the way as he slammed the ground, cracking it. The floor started to give out as the entire room floor broke as we both fell down into the basement which was being used as a warehouse. We both crashed into some shelves full of boxes of fish. The man started eating. He just shoved fish down his throat. Once he was done he started shedding again. As I stood up, he had fully shed again, now being at a full fifteen feet. I stood in front of him, as he growled at me before roaring.

 I stood in front of him, as he growled at me before roaring

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(Something like this. And yes I know. No spoilers though.)

"What the fuck?!" I said as he rushed at me. I dodged under his swipe as I slid across the floor.

"You wanna dance?! Let's dance!" I yelled as super jumped at him, punching him twice, before I had to dodge back. He kept swiping at me and trying to bite me as I dodged around. I punched him, but he then grabbed me and slammed me into the ground, trying to bite me. I held his mouth open but he grabbed me and slammed me into the floor again. He then grabbed me by the head, before chucking me into a wall, sprinting at me and slashing me. My suit had a massive slash mark, but my body wasn't damaged at all. My suit regenerated by itself somehow as I super jumped off the wall, tackling him back as I kicked him in the face. He then grabbed me in mid air as he slammed me into the ground, punching me twice as I held his third punch. I kicked his stomach as he flew back. I flipped up, the man rushed at me again as I dodged to the left. He's fast. And strong. But I'm stronger. I uppercutted him as he stumbled back, I super jumped at him, slamming him into a wall as I punched and kicked his stomach. He eventually interrupted me as he grabbed me by the throat and chucked me across the room. I slid on the ground as the man jumped at me again. But I super jumped up and upper cut him as hard as I could. He flew back as he crashed into the ground. I super jumped at him again, slamming my fist into his face, breaking some of his teeth off as I flipped around and kicked him. But as I was in midair, he bit down on my neck and chucked me across the room again. And this time he had the upper hand. He sprinted at me and tackled me into the wall again, punching me hard multiple times before biting me and slamming me into the floor. He then threw me upwards, but he gave me too much time to recover. I webbed two web lines to the ground as I pulled myself down and slammed into the man's head, into the ground. Then he flipped around and grabbed me, slamming me into the ground as he started slamming me with his fists, slashing and biting me. But my suit protected me again. He didn't give me a chance to do anything as he just kept attacking me, slamming his fists down on me continually. The pain kept building up as he continued slamming down and down as hard as he could. As the pain built up, I felt something inside of me, like it was telling me to just let go almost. 

"Aaaggghhhh!" I yelled as a black tendril shot out of my chest, lifting the man into the air and slamming him into the ground multiple times. It then threw him across the room. I got up, but it felt like I couldn't control my own body. Like my body was being controlled by something else. My vision was clouded, and so was my mind. It was hard for me to think. Then a voice rang out in my head.

"Give me control. I'll make you stronger than you ever were before. I'll make you the perfect Spider-man. Better than Peter, better than Gwen, better than them all. You will be perfect. Just give me control."

3rd Pov

Spider-man, in his black suit stood up, as tendrils grew out of his back. The eyes of his mask grew in size as the suit became more like goo, changing in consistency. He stared down the lizard. The tendrils lifted Spider-man off the ground as he moved towards the lizard. Even with the more animalistic instincts, the lizard still felt fear. The fear was paralyzing as Spider-man moved towards his target. The lizard attempted to jump away from Spider-man, but he shot a tendril at the reptile, pulling him towards him as Spider-man slammed the lizard down into the ground as Spider-man started slamming his fists into the lizard, using his tendrils as well to deal extra damage. He then lifted the lizard up in the air with a tendril as the lizard was barely conscious, but he managed to quickly lift up it's arm, and slash at the tendril, forcing it to let go as he landed and immediately jumped up and out of the fish market, running for it's life. Spider-man recoiled slightly but quickly jumped up and started chasing the lizard, using his tendrils to follow closely to the lizard, attempting to strike at it. The lizard jumped between buildings, slamming through floors and running. The lizard eventually ran and jumped into the sewers as Spider-man stopped following. The police sirens blared behind him as he quickly looked back before leaping onto a building, and jumping in between buildings, heading for a specific location. Eventually he got to a building, with a backpack hanging on the metal railing as Spider-man's tendrils warped back into his back as he walked into the building. Walking to a specific room as a tendril unlocked the door. He entered and the suit warped back to it's hold form, tendrils grabbing clothing as it wore it over itself, taking off it's mask, gloves, and boots as it laid down onto the bed.

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