Last Chance

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Y/N Pov

"Ooh I guess I'll be taking that." Dr. Octavius said as she tried to grab the goober, but was stopped by Peter. This started the fight. Dr. Octavius kept going for the goober. Penny got in her mech as she went for Scorpion. Noir tried to fist fight Tombstone but got beat back as Dr. Octavius managed to fend off Gwen and Spider-ham. Shocker managed to get Penny off the Scorpion as he perfectly countered her mech suit, short wiring wherever he hit for a few seconds.

"I said take it outside!" May yelled hitting Tombstone with her bat outside. I rushed at Shocker, tackling him outside as well as I parried his strikes. Tombstone went back inside as the others fought inside. Then I think the Prowler, Miles uncle jumped through the window as I punched the Shocker and ran back inside, tackling the Prowler.

"Leave it to me! Leave him alone!" I said as I punched the Prowler. Miles kept going from invisible to uninvisible as we all fought. I kept fighting Prowler while Peter and Gwen fought Dr. Octavius. Noir fought Shocker and Penny and Spider-ham fought off Scorpion. It was about evenly matched.

"Get out of here!" I yelled at Miles as I super jumped at the Prowler, trying to slice him but he blocked. I then grabbed him and threw him through the wall. Dr. Octavius grabbed Penny and slammed her outside.. Scorpion also jumped out as his legs folded out as he rushed at Gwen from rooftop to rooftop. I switched with Noir to Tombstone while he took on Shocker. Gwen fought the Scorpion as Dr. Octavius fought off Spider-ham and Penny. I kept punching at Tombstone but I heard a gunshot but I didn't have time to look. Peter left as police sirens also started blaring. I eventually webbed Tombstones head and slammed it into the ground. I then moved to Shocker and helped Noir as we both teamed up on him, eventually knocking him back. Gwen had beaten Scorpion so the only one left was Octavius. But, she grabbed the others and ran. 

"Where's Miles?" I asked as Peter swung by.

"I think he's going to his dorm, let's go!" He yelled as us as we all quickly followed after Peter. 

"I think Kingpin shot his uncle, the Prowler. We need to be careful. This is Miles's last chance before we have to go." Peter explained to us as we swung. So he lost his uncle. Fuck. We swung for a little bit until we came to a apartment building near BV. The window was open and crashing sounds could be heard. Then a notebook flew out the window as Peter caught it and threw it back in.

"Hey bud. You okay?" Peter asked as we all entered through the window.

"We've all been there. You know for me... for me it was my uncle ben." Peter said, putting a hand on Miles's shoulder.

"For me, it was my uncle Benjamin." Noir said.

"For me, it was my father." Penny said.

"For me, it was my best friend." Gwen said.

"For me, it was my best friend, you Miles." I said.

"Miles, the hardest thing about this job is... you can't always save everybody." Spider-ham said.

"I feel like it was my fault. You wouldn't understand."

"Miles, we're probably the only ones who do understand." Gwen said as the door suddenly opened, revealing Miles's roommate I think. He wasn't paying attention and went to the desk as we all stuck to the roof together out of his sight.

"This way. Other way other way other way." Peter said trying to coordinate us until he turned fully towards us, looking up at us.

"Hey there-"

"Do animals talk in this dimension cause I don't wanna freak him out." Spider-ham said as the guy fell down and fainted. While Miles was putting his roomate in bed, I signalled for the others to leave.

"Bye Miles." Gwen said as she went out the window, shortly after followed by Peter.

"We came to say goodbye Miles, so, goodbye." Peter said as he also left.

"What's going on?" Miles asked as I was the last one left. I leaned on the table as Miles walked up to me.

"Like Peter said, we came to say goodbye."

"We can say goodbye at the collider."

"You're not getting it. You're staying here." I tried to explain but Miles didn't back down.

"I need to be there so you can all go home." Miles said as he held up the goober.

"They are going home Miles. I'm the only one staying." I said as Miles looked over at me confused.

"You're taking my place? If you stay here you'll die."

"I'm doing what needs to be done. I've lost everything already, I have nothing to go back to."

"What about your version of Gwen-"

"Not everything works out Miles. I learned that the hard way. Miles please. I need the goober." I said as Miles backed away from me slightly.

"Please don't make me take it from you."

"That's not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this!"

"It wasn't their decision." I said as Miles looked away from me.

"I gotta make Kingpin pay! You have to let me make him pay!

"That's not the right path Miles. Revenge is never the right path. All you'll do is get yourself killed."

"But I'm ready! I promise-" I cut off my by sweeping his legs, I then jumped to the roof and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Then this is your last chance Miles. Venom strike me right now. Or turn invisible. On command so you can get past me." I said as Miles tried, but nothing happened. All he did was grunt.

"Look I know how much you want this Miles." I said letting him down as I jumped down behind him. 

"But you're not ready yet." I said webbing the chair behind him and then webbing him to the chair, tying him up.

"I'm sorry." I said taking the goober.

"When will I know I'm ready?!" Miles asked me as I turned and webbed his face.

"You won't. But do you wanna know what a wise person once told me? People are relying on you. I know that you may not like that, but that's the truth. You have to take a leap of faith. You have to get out of whatever situation you're in and push forward. Push through and come out better than you were before. Learn from your mistakes and push forwards. Become a better person. You just have to take that initial leap of faith. That's all that it is Miles. Just a leap of faith." I said as I sat on the window, slipping my mask back on and following the others, leaving him tied up. We swung for a bit to Fisk Tower, where the collider should be tonight. I'm sorry Miles. But you're just not ready. You just need to take that leap of faith.


Hey guys, sorry I posted Collider before this and the chapter before this. I dind't realize they didn't post, so sorry.

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