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Y/N Pov

It's been around two weeks since my fight with the lizard. Work has been taking up way to much time, or more than I would like. Even with my breaks, and how many times I've skipped work, I can't find him. But I managed to gain control of whatever this new power is with my suit. I could use black tendrils, and it was powerful. Very powerful. It made me more powerful than I ever could be before. I was the perfect Spider-man. I swung down into another alley way. More scratch marks. I scanned the scratch marks. Fresh. He must be close. I zipped around the area trying to find something else. I eventually found a ripped open manhole in another alleyway. How did nobody see him? I dived in as I went into the New York sewers I had been in over a dozen times in the past week. But this time was different. There were clear scratch marks everywhere and footprints. I followed them until I got to another exit which seemed to be ripped open. It wasn't supposed to be used to exit as I jumped up and landed in...

"BV?" I said out loud as I looked around the familiar bathroom that I used to use. I exited the bathroom as the fire alarms were blaring, people screaming. I ran around trying to find the lizard as I eventually found him standing in a hallway.

"Where is he?" He said in a weird voice, as he snarled at the same time. I could barely make out the words. 

"Hey! I'm right here!" I yelled at him as I sprinted towards him but he didn't pay attention to me, instead ripping out a door and walking into the classroom. I ran inside the room as well as the students and teacher were screaming. Why are they still in the classroom?! 

"Put him down!" I yelled as the Lizard had picked up a kid. Billy Connors, a grade younger than me. I had met him before. I shot a tendril at the Lizard's arm, forcing him to drop Billy as I super jumped at him, slamming him through a wall and into the library. 

"You won't escape this time! You can't win!" I yelled as I lifted up a bookshelf with one arm, slamming it into the Lizard's head. He quickly recovered and tried to tackle me but I dodged around, shooting two more webs at him as I pulled myself towards him, kneeing him in the face. I punched him using another tendril as I grabbed him and lifted him up using a tendril before slamming him into the ground, then chucking him across the room. I chased after him as I super jumped again, slamming my fist into his jaw. I continued to punch and beat him as he failed to defend. (Whenever I say punch or hit now, just assume Y/N has some sort of black tendril or goo covering his arms, making his hits stronger). I then grabbed him by the head again and slammed him through the roof, using more tendrils to hold me up in the air. I snarled at him as he suddenly brought his tail up, and slammed me to the side, slamming me into multiple different roofs as he landed back on the school's roof. I quickly super jumped at him, but he dodged, grabbing my foot and using my speed to slam me across the roof. He then threw me as I slid on the roof. We then started sprinting at each other as I uppercut him, he grabbed me by the head and slammed me back into the roof. I then flipped and kicked him in the face, jumping up again and slamming his head crashing through the roof. We slammed through the roof as there were tons of students still trying to run away. The Lizard was going to rush at them again, as I shot webs at him and pulled him back, jumping onto his back. I attempted to guide him but it was hard. He eventually slammed me into a wall, grabbing me and jumping up, crashing through another roof. We slammed into the wall as the Lizard started pounding down on me. Eventually a tendril shot out of my chest as the Lizard slammed back into the school's roof. I jumped down onto him as we crashed back into the school... again. He then slammed me to the side with his tail as I flew into the school field. The Lizard then went towards Billy again as I was too slow to make it. But someone shoved Billy out of the way as the Lizard grabbed the person, snarling at them. I super jumped towards him, tackling him into a wall as he held the person in his tail, fighting me with his claws. He swung at me as I dodged under and uppercut him again. I finally looked towards the person he grabbed, as my eyes widened in shock.

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