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Y/N Pov

I walked out of the room as I was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I had apologized to them a couple of weeks ago and I've been staying with them for a couple of nights. Only when I felt alone. They were like my parents since my adoptive parents didn't really pay any attention to me, they were like my real parents. 

"Hey Mrs. Morales." I said as Mrs. Morales was making breakfast. Mr. Morales had to be at work early so I was alone with Mrs. Morales.

"Have work today?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. Someone wanted me in the neighborhood early so I have to leave early. I'll leave after breakfast." I said. I lied about my job and said I take jobs from people around the city to babysit kids and those small jobs. Not work at a restaurant. After I had breakfast I left with my bag as I ran into an alleyway, putting on my suit as I super jumped and started zipping towards work. It would be another long day.


After I got off work as I was going to go back to my apartment but as I was swinging I saw a colorful portal open like with the colliders as a person jumped out. Another collider? What? The man who crashed out was gigantic and covered in armor. He had a horn on his head as he stumbled up. He had crashed into a movie theater as I super jumped over, flying into the broken building.

"What... what happened?" He said in a heavy russian accent.

"Hey! Russian unicorn!" I yelled as I landed on the ground in front of him

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"Hey! Russian unicorn!" I yelled as I landed on the ground in front of him.

"Unicorn! I no unicorn! I am the Rhino, puny Spider!" He said as I was confused.

"What? Do I know you?" I asked as he stared at me before slamming the floor with one hand.

"I will crush you puny Spider!" He yelled as he ran at me. I easily dodged to the side as he crashed through another wall.

"Shit..." I said as I zipped and webbed onto his back.

"Do you mind slowing down?! We can talk about this!" I yelled as he went through another wall. But as he was running he glitched. So he's from another universe. He fell over as I jumped off his back and started to web him to the ground. But he easily broke through the webbing as he stood up and rushed at me again. I jumped up but he grabbed me and slammed me into the ground.

"You- ha- have a very strong- gri- grip." I said as he choked me. Suddenly another portal opened up behind Rhino. Suddenly a Spider person jumped out of the portal and onto the back of the Rhino as they pulled him back, making him let me go. 


3rd Pov

As Spider-Gwen jumped onto the back of the Rhino, she looked down at the person that was captured in Rhino's grasp.

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