Where Am I?

124 3 0

Y/N Pov

I started swinging around the new city I was in. It looked like... New York? But it wasn't the New York I was from, it makes sense. There were a couple differences I have already seen. Like they had something called 'Sony' but from where I'm from we didn't have anything named that. Could I be in a different universe? A different reality? I don't know. I just need to get home. I kept swinging around trying to find something that could help me but I couldn't find anything. While I was in the air, the same glitch happened to me, causing me to crash onto a roof. 

"Ugh. Fuck." I said as I checked for any injuries, but there were none, luckily. I looked up at the buildings as I saw one that I recognized too well.

"Brooklyn Visions?" I said. It was the same sign as the Brooklyn Visions I went to but with different colors. This one was blue and yellow, and the one I went to was red and purple. Do I still have my ID card... I searched around my suit pockets (yes the suit has pockets because I need there to be a way for Y/N to have a phone.) and I found it. Nice. You had to use these to register into the school, so I hope this is the same. But I need some clothes first.


I found some clothes on the floor, it was dirty but usable. I walked into the front office has the front desk lady looked up at me. 

"I'm here to register for Brooklyn Visions." I said as she stared at me before looking back at her computer.

"Sit down." She said pointing to a chair which I sat down in. 

"Do you have your ID card? It should have been sent to you in the mail if you made it in." She said as I nodded, handing her the card. She looked down at it then back up at me.

"Really? You colored it?" She said to me as I looked down.

"It's fine. You're now a student at Brooklyn Visions. Go grab your uniform and room key at my colleague's desk." She said with a dead tone. She typed something on her computer as she printed another ID card.

"And don't color your ID card." She said as I nodded standing up. I walked over to another desk which had clothing and keys on it.

"Hello. Could I have your ID card?" He asked as I handed it to him. He looked at it for a second before handing it back.

"So, Y/N. What's your size?" He asked me.

"Adult large." I said as he handed me the clothes. 

"And here's your room key. We're out of dorms so your room is in the apartment complex next to the school. Just tell the front desk you're a student here." He said as I nodded, thanking him and then leaving. Maybe I can figure something out about this place at Brooklyn Visions. But in the meantime, might as well get settled in and then go out as spider-man. I sat down and switched on the T.V. to see the news but everything started shaking violently. I shortly ended as I was more confused than ever.

"Does this universe get a ton of earthquakes or what?" I said as I flipped on the T.V., turning it to the news. But after the earthquake happened, I suddenly glitched as I fell to the ground.

"More seismic events keep happening. Rumor has it that spider-man is going to investigate these events. All we can hope for it that he fixes it." The news anchor said. So there is a spider-man in this universe. Maybe if I can find him, then he can help me get back home.

Time Skip ----- 2 Days

I've been searching for anything that could help me but nothing. There were those earthquakes but I could never find the cause. And now the school years about to start, so the first day is today. I put on the uniform with my suit underneath, my mask and gloves in my bag. I walked out the front door as my neighbor did at the same time. I took a quick glance at them and was shocked at who I saw. Gwen? Is that the Gwen from this universe? After Miles's death, Gwen tried to get closer to me and comfort me. We started talking more and after my parents death, her and her father allowed me to stay over at their house. But I was just a friend. I also stayed over at Miles's parents house a couple times while I was sorting my life out, but now I live alone. She also saw me as we both just stared at each other, making an uncomfortable tension form between us. At that moment, my spider sense went off and it was mainly around her. Was it trying to warn me about her? No. This time it feels different. Usually my spider sense would be like an alarm, telling me when someone would do something, but this time it feels... soothing? Like it was trying to attract me to her in a weird way. What the fuck?

I quickly turned away and started walking down the hall to go to BV. But that Gwen had a uniform for BV. That means she also goes here. Whatever. Let's just see if I can find anything to help me. As I walked up the steps to the entrance, all the students were just socializing. As I was about to enter, a police siren blared in my ears as I looked back to see... Miles? Fuck. I can't see his face. I'm still not okay. I'm not ready. I walked into the school as I barely heard Mr. Morales saying something about Miles having to tell him I love you. That's something Mr. Morales would do. But, Miles never fell short at telling them that at least, whenever I was there. I wish my parents were like that... Now not the time to reminisce about the past. I just need to keep moving forward. I did my classes, they were easy as I tried to look for anything that could help me. But it didn't seem like anything here could. I was walking down the hall as my spider sense started blaring. This time it was like a fire alarm, just going off in my ears. I looked up as someone crashed into me, then dropping all their stuff. I looked up to see... Miles? Why is my spider sense still going off around him. It's like with Gwen. But this time it's more of an alarm, like it's telling me something. It's not attracting me towards him, it's just telling me something. He quickly picked up his stuff before leaving, not even apologizing for crashing into me. What the hell is happening with my spider sense?


I got through the first day easy. The work load and content compared to my BV is like nothing. I wasn't even in honors or anything. Miles was. But this amount is still very little. I quickly breezed through my homework before going out as spider-man again. I swung around in the dark looking for anything until I found a lamppost, made of random objects. I may not be from here but that's not normal. There are too many people. I can't examine it, but that could be related. I'll have to keep that in mind.

----- (Lot's of time skips, I know.)

I got through the second day, the same as the first. I was watching the news again, after doing some spider-man stuff, I was relaxing, about to go to bed but I watched the news first. There were more earthquakes today than ever as well, so more glitching for me.

"We interrupt this broadcast for a special report. Sad news tonight. The hero known as spider-man, has died. After injuries related to a powerful earthquake. Multiple sources are confirming that, Peter Parker, a twenty six year old grad student held the identity of spider-man. Many, are mourning the death of this beloved hero, and the city cries. We can only wish his family well. And for him to rest in peace." Spider-man is dead. What the fuck... The spider-man of this universe... is dead.


Hello people. I've been having a little trouble tying everything into into the spider verse but I'm trying to make it work. That's why I put so many time skips, because I don't know what to fill the space with, so I'm just skipping to some major plot points. But now, the story will be getting more in spider verse, like advertised in the title. I'll see you guys soon. Bye bye.

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